How Do I Get Rid of Winter Depression? 9 Ways

How Do I Get Rid of Winter Depression
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that is triggered by a change in seasons. Here are 9 ways to get rid of winter depression

Winter depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression caused by a change in seasons, which typically begins in fall and continues throughout winter.

Sometimes referred to as the winter blues, winter depression can be effectively managed with a few simple remedies.

9 ways to combat winter depression

  1. Going outdoors: Reduced sunlight during winter can cause SAD symptoms. Going outdoors in the sun for a few hours each day can therefore help combat symptoms of depression and improve mood. 
  2. Position yourself near a window: Since getting adequate sunlight can help fight winter depression, try to position your workspace near a window that gets some amount of natural light.
  3. Get enough exercise: Exercise is an important part of combating the winter blues and has many benefits to both physical and mental health. Taking walks or doing some form of exercise on a daily basis can help boost your mood and combat depression.
  4. Use a light box: Phototherapy boxes are devices made with fluorescent lights that mimic sunshine. You can sit 15-25 inches from the light box for at least 30 minutes a day, preferably wearing a special light visor. Experts recommend using light boxes in the morning and not later in the day so as not to disrupt your sleep cycle. 
  5. Use a dawn simulator: Dawn simulators mimic the effect of dawn, producing light that gradually increases in intensity to wake you from sleep.
  6. Take vitamin D: If your vitamin D levels are low, vitamin D supplements may help improve SAD symptoms.
  7. Stick to a routine: If you have trouble sleeping at night, try to maintain a regular schedule throughout the day so that you are getting up, eating, and going to sleep at consistent times every day. This can help reduce symptoms of SAD.
  8. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy may help treat winter depression by affecting the area of the brain that is responsible for regulating moods.
  9. Talk to your doctor: Your doctor can confirm a diagnosis of SAD and provide appropriate treatment.

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How Do I Get Rid of Winter Depression? 9 Ways

How Do I Get Rid of Winter Depression
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that is triggered by a change in seasons. Here are 9 ways to get rid of winter depression

Winter depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression caused by a change in seasons, which typically begins in fall and continues throughout winter.

Sometimes referred to as the winter blues, winter depression can be effectively managed with a few simple remedies.

9 ways to combat winter depression

  1. Going outdoors: Reduced sunlight during winter can cause SAD symptoms. Going outdoors in the sun for a few hours each day can therefore help combat symptoms of depression and improve mood. 
  2. Position yourself near a window: Since getting adequate sunlight can help fight winter depression, try to position your workspace near a window that gets some amount of natural light.
  3. Get enough exercise: Exercise is an important part of combating the winter blues and has many benefits to both physical and mental health. Taking walks or doing some form of exercise on a daily basis can help boost your mood and combat depression.
  4. Use a light box: Phototherapy boxes are devices made with fluorescent lights that mimic sunshine. You can sit 15-25 inches from the light box for at least 30 minutes a day, preferably wearing a special light visor. Experts recommend using light boxes in the morning and not later in the day so as not to disrupt your sleep cycle. 
  5. Use a dawn simulator: Dawn simulators mimic the effect of dawn, producing light that gradually increases in intensity to wake you from sleep.
  6. Take vitamin D: If your vitamin D levels are low, vitamin D supplements may help improve SAD symptoms.
  7. Stick to a routine: If you have trouble sleeping at night, try to maintain a regular schedule throughout the day so that you are getting up, eating, and going to sleep at consistent times every day. This can help reduce symptoms of SAD.
  8. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy may help treat winter depression by affecting the area of the brain that is responsible for regulating moods.
  9. Talk to your doctor: Your doctor can confirm a diagnosis of SAD and provide appropriate treatment.

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