How Can I Stop Feeling Dizzy? Causes, Risk Factors, Treatment

cause of dizziness
Dizziness is typically resolved by treating the underlying medical condition and by following these simple steps.

Dizziness is an impairment of spatial orientation that resolves by treating the underlying medical condition.

Following these simple steps can help relieve dizziness:

  • Lie down immediately or hold your head between your legs
  • Close your eyes until you feel better
  • Be careful while moving and getting up from bed; get up slowly
  • Avoid risky things such as driving, ladder climbing, using heavy machinery, or lifting weights
  • Take adequate rest
  • Avoid rapid movements of neck and head
  • Avoid prolonged standing
  • Elevate the feet (Trendelenburg position)
  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated
  • Avoid or limit caffeine intake
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption
  • Get enough sleep
  • Include certain things in diet:
  • Therapies such as:

What is dizziness?

Dizziness is a feeling or sensation of:

  • Being unsteady
  • Unbalanced
  • Spinning
  • Altered sense of motion
  • Fainting or falling
  • Disoriented
  • Heaviness

Dizziness is often referred to different sensations associated with balance:

  • Lightheadedness: A feeling of fainting or falling that improves by lying down, and if it worsens, it can lead to a fainting spell called syncope.
  • Vertigo: A feeling of movement, either themselves or the surroundings around, often associated with nausea, vomiting, sweating, and visual disturbances.

Causes of dizziness

Dizziness is a common experience and could be a sign of multiple diseases such as:

Risk factors for dizziness

Although dizziness is not a disease, it is a sign of other medical issues; in a few cases, it can lead to severe injury due to falls.

The odds of having bouts of dizziness are increased in the following conditions:

  • As the age increases, the risk for feeling dizzy is higher
  • A possible side effect of medications taken for other health issues
  • Previous history of having dizzy spells

How is dizziness diagnosed?

After analyzing the history and a thorough physical examination (neurological examination), an audiologist will perform a vestibular and balance assessment to determine the exact cause of dizziness. 

When to see a doctor for dizziness

Seek medical attention if dizziness is severe, constant, lasting longer, or worsening and if you have additional symptoms such as:

Dizziness can be a temporary symptom and get better without any treatment or can be treated with lifestyle modifications, therapies, and medications (antianxiety and anticholinergic drugs).

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How Can I Stop Feeling Dizzy? Causes, Risk Factors, Treatment

cause of dizziness
Dizziness is typically resolved by treating the underlying medical condition and by following these simple steps.

Dizziness is an impairment of spatial orientation that resolves by treating the underlying medical condition.

Following these simple steps can help relieve dizziness:

  • Lie down immediately or hold your head between your legs
  • Close your eyes until you feel better
  • Be careful while moving and getting up from bed; get up slowly
  • Avoid risky things such as driving, ladder climbing, using heavy machinery, or lifting weights
  • Take adequate rest
  • Avoid rapid movements of neck and head
  • Avoid prolonged standing
  • Elevate the feet (Trendelenburg position)
  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated
  • Avoid or limit caffeine intake
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption
  • Get enough sleep
  • Include certain things in diet:
  • Therapies such as:

What is dizziness?

Dizziness is a feeling or sensation of:

  • Being unsteady
  • Unbalanced
  • Spinning
  • Altered sense of motion
  • Fainting or falling
  • Disoriented
  • Heaviness

Dizziness is often referred to different sensations associated with balance:

  • Lightheadedness: A feeling of fainting or falling that improves by lying down, and if it worsens, it can lead to a fainting spell called syncope.
  • Vertigo: A feeling of movement, either themselves or the surroundings around, often associated with nausea, vomiting, sweating, and visual disturbances.

Causes of dizziness

Dizziness is a common experience and could be a sign of multiple diseases such as:

Risk factors for dizziness

Although dizziness is not a disease, it is a sign of other medical issues; in a few cases, it can lead to severe injury due to falls.

The odds of having bouts of dizziness are increased in the following conditions:

  • As the age increases, the risk for feeling dizzy is higher
  • A possible side effect of medications taken for other health issues
  • Previous history of having dizzy spells

How is dizziness diagnosed?

After analyzing the history and a thorough physical examination (neurological examination), an audiologist will perform a vestibular and balance assessment to determine the exact cause of dizziness. 

When to see a doctor for dizziness

Seek medical attention if dizziness is severe, constant, lasting longer, or worsening and if you have additional symptoms such as:

Dizziness can be a temporary symptom and get better without any treatment or can be treated with lifestyle modifications, therapies, and medications (antianxiety and anticholinergic drugs).

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