How Can I Increase My Chances of Getting Pregnant?

Increase Pregnancy Chance

You and your partner in a good state of health, both mentally and physically, is the first requisite

You and your partner in a good state of health, both mentally and physically, is the first requisite

You and your partner in a good state of health, both mentally and physically, is the first requisite for increasing your chances of getting pregnant. Making healthy choices, such as regular physical activity, healthy diet, and stress-relieving activities may increase your chances to get pregnant and have a healthy baby thereafter. You must not be disheartened if you are not able to conceive in the first year of trying as many couples conceive in their second year of planning a pregnancy.

Some of the following tips may help you get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight: If you or your partner are overweight/obese or underweight, your chances of getting pregnant may be affected. Being overweight or underweight can affect your periods. It can make you get irregular periods or no periods at all. Thus, affecting your ability to conceive. A healthy weight means that your BMI (body mass index) falls between 18.5 and 24.9. A BMI below 18.5 means you are underweight while having a BMI over 24.9 means that you are overweight. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help you achieve a healthy weight. You can take the help of your doctor to know how you can achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Go for a pre-conception checkup: Before you conceive, it is advisable to consult your doctor. They will screen you for any infections or other health conditions and provide the necessary treatment. Many conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, and asthma, may affect your chances of getting pregnant. Your doctor will help you manage them so that you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. They may also prescribe certain vitamins, such as folic acid, to prevent the baby against birth defects like spina bifida.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol consumption: Smoking as well as being exposed to passive smoking can decrease fertility in both men and women. It can also harm the baby. Health experts recommend that women who are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant should completely avoid alcohol. Alcohol consumption can decrease the chances of conceiving and can cause various birth defects in the baby.
  • Know your menstrual cycle: Knowing your menstrual cycle will help you know the days when you are most likely to get pregnant. In a typical menstrual cycle of around 28 days, ovulation happens on the 14th day. There are about 6 days in each menstrual cycle when you are most likely to conceive. Since different women have different length of menstrual cycles, ask your doctor to guide you about your fertile days.
  • Lie in bed for some time after intercourse: Experts suggest that lying in the bed for 10 to 15 minutes after intercourse can increase your chances of getting pregnant. You do not need to raise your legs to put your feet up since the pelvis does not move when you raise legs. Avoid going to the bathroom during this period. Although there is no prescribed ‘best position’ to conceive, having intercourse while sitting or standing may prevent the sperms from moving up your cervix for fertilization and eventual conception.
  • Practice stress-reducing activities: Stress can affect ovulation and your chances of getting pregnant. It can also contribute to stress-related medical conditions, such as high blood pressure and heart diseases, which can complicate your pregnancy. Practice stress-reducing activities, such as meditation, walking, or pursuing hobbies like reading and listening to music. Do not stress about trying too hard to get pregnant. Consult your doctor and let the process take its natural time.
  • Have a healthy lifestyle: Eat healthily and perform regular exercises. Do not try to do more exercise than what is safe and healthy for you. Losing or gaining a lot of weight can also affect your chances of getting pregnant.

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