22 Home Remedies for Digestion

Warm Tea Lemmon and GingerWarm mint tea (lemon and ginger) helps your indigestion.

Any special occasion involves a lot of fun and good food. At times, the enjoyment is hampered because of problems associated with digestion. Digestive problems are one of the commonest medical concerns in the world. They may manifest as constipation, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, bloating, gas, nausea, and vomiting. Almost everyone faces one or more digestive issues in their life. While most digestive problems resolve on their own, some may persist in the absence of treatment. If your digestion problem persists despite home remedies and over the counter (OTC) medications, you must consult your doctor for proper management. The term indigestion or dyspepsia is often used for the issues with digestion that are associated with pain or discomfort in the abdomen. It may be a sign of some underlying health condition. Though several home remedies exist, it is advised to seek a healthcare provider’s opinion before trying them.

22 Home Remedies for Digestion

Some of the home remedies that may ease the symptoms of digestive problems and prevent indigestion include:

  1. Eat small meals because consuming large meals at a time may cause a problem with the digestion of the food. Taking small meals at regular intervals may prevent the load on your gut and facilitate digestion.
  2. Do not lie down or sleep right after you eat. It is advised to take a slow walk for about 10 minutes after you eat to boost digestion.
  3. Cut down on processed foods, such as chips, cookies, and pastries, because they may be difficult to digest.
  4. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables since they have a lot of fiber that aids adequate bowel movement and digestion.
  5. Chew your food well because digestion begins right inside the mouth. The enzymes that aid digestion is present in the saliva produced by the salivary glands. When you eat slowly and chew your food well these enzymes get adequate time to digest the food and send signals to the rest of the gut to prepare for the incoming food to be digested.
  6. Include some ginger in your diet. You may consume it as crushed ginger or as ginger tea.
  7. Drinking warm mint tea.
  8. Consume fennels to boost digestion. It can be taken as crushed fennel seeds boiled in water or chewed after meals.
  9. Boil some carrom seeds in water and consume the extract to boost digestion.
  10. Avoid foods that produce a lot of gas, such as beans, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli, especially at dinner time.
  11. Avoid spicy foods.
  12. Drinking some lemon juice or a pinch of baking soda in warm water may boost digestion.
  13. Consume foods like curd, buttermilk, and kefir since they contain good bacteria that facilitate digestion.
  14. Avoid foods and drinks that contain caffeine since it can stimulate your stomach to produce more acid causing dyspepsia.
  15. Avoid acidic foods, such as tomatoes and citrus fruits.
  16. Avoid alcohol since it can irritate the lining of your gut.
  17. Relax and unwind because stress can worsen and trigger indigestion.
  18. Avoid smoking since it can irritate the lining of the stomach.
  19. Have your last meal at least 3 hours before going to bed.
  20. Adequate sleep helps indigestion. You may sleep with the head elevated to prevent reflux.
  21. You may take OTC antacids to manage the symptoms.
  22. Avoid taking painkillers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) unless prescribed by your doctor.

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