3 nutrients essential for treating seasonal depression The 3 nutrients essential for treating seasonal depression are vitamin D, omega-3s, and carbohydrates, as well as the following foods. Some nutrients that can help combat winter blues include: Vitamin D: There is a mixed response about the association between low vitamin D levels and depression. Studies that …
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What Is the Best Weight Loss Plan for Seniors? Diet Tips for Losing Weight
Persistent goals and making small adjustments in lifestyle and diet are the best weight loss plans for seniors. Weight loss in seniors is challenging but not impossible. As overall metabolism tends to decline during this age, it gets trickier to lose weight. However, with persistent goals and a better lifestyle, losing weight is possible. Making small adjustments in lifestyle and …
Read More »What Are the Symptoms of Intestinal Infection?
Infections of the intestine typically present with symptoms such as abdominal pain or cramps, nausea, fever, chills, diarrhea, headache, and bloody stools Signs and symptoms of an intestinal infection, also called gastroenteritis, vary depending on the cause of the infection. Infections of the intestine typically present with symptoms such as: Abdominal pain or cramps Nausea with or without vomiting Fever …
Read More »What Would Be an Example of a Screening Test Used for Cognitive Impairment?
Examples of common screening tests used for cognitive impairment include Mini-Cog, Mini-Mental State Exam, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment Cognitive screening tests check for problems with cognition, which is a combination of processes in your brain involved with thinking, memory, language, concentration, and judgment. Examples of common screening tests used for cognitive impairment include: Mini-Cog: Takes 3-5 minutes to complete. The …
Read More »What Age Does Breast Cancer Usually Start? Symptoms, Risk Factors
Breast cancer is most often diagnosed in women older than 45 years of age (about 80 percent of all cases). It is not known when exactly the cancer cells develop in the breast, but it is most often diagnosed in women older than 45 years (almost 80 percent of all breast cancer cases). Although breast cancer can affect anyone, less …
Read More »What Is the Best Weight Loss Plan for Seniors? Diet Tips for Losing Weight
Persistent goals and making small adjustments in lifestyle and diet are the best weight loss plans for seniors. Weight loss in seniors is challenging but not impossible. As overall metabolism tends to decline during this age, it gets trickier to lose weight. However, with persistent goals and a better lifestyle, losing weight is possible. Making small adjustments in lifestyle and …
Read More »How Can Parents Encourage Independence and Learning in Their Children?
Understand developmental milestones Before you can encourage your child's independence and learning, you need to understand what they're capable of. You'll just set your child up for failure if you expect them to do things they aren't developmentally ready for. While there are general guidelines for developmental milestones, each child will progress through them at their own rate. All children …
Read More »What Are Common Causes of Infertility?
Infertility can affect both men and women, and various causes can lead to the condition. Learn about what causes infertility in both men and women According to the World Health Organization (WHO), infertility is a disorder of the reproductive system that causes a failure to achieve pregnancy after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility can affect both men …
Read More »How Accurate Are Blood Typing Kits?
Blood typing kits are accurate 99.9% of the time when used correctly. It is important to use enough blood when testing and store the kits properly Blood typing kits are accurate 99.9% of the time when used correctly. It is important to use enough blood, store the kits properly, and use them before their expiration date. Home blood typing kits …
Read More »What Are the 10 Things Every Child Needs?
Quality time Spending a lot of quality time with your children gives you the chance to meet their needs and discover who they are. While everyone is busy these days, you can spend quality time with your kids doing everyday activities. Here are some ways you can make more time for your kids: Include your child in projects around the …
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