
How Do You Do a Suprapubic Catheter?

Learn about what to expect when a suprapubic catheter (SPC) is inserted and what it is used for A suprapubic catheter (SPC) is used to drain urine from your bladder if you cannot urinate on your own. An SPC is inserted into your bladder through a small hole in the lower part of your abdomen …

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What Is Generalized Pustular Psoriasis?

Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is an inflammatory skin condition that is an extreme type of psoriasis Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a rare, severe type of psoriasis that covers large areas of the body and characterized by pus-filled blisters rather than plaques.  GPP can occur along with psoriasis vulgaris, in which typical plaque-type lesions may be seen on the skin. …

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What Foods Have Vitamins A, B, and C?

What foods have vitamin A? Vitamins A, B, and C play critical roles in maintaining your overall health Vitamin A, often referred to as retinol, serves a number of crucial roles in the body. It helps your immune system, which is your body's natural defense against sickness and infection, function effectively. Vitamin A also maintains eye health and skin health. …

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What Are Early Warning Signs of COPD? 4 Symptoms, 2 Types, Causes

The major reason for COPD is cigarette smoking, which contributes to about 80 to 90 percent of all cases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of lung diseases that cause gradual deterioration of lung function, resulting in breathing difficulties. A normal respiratory system consists of the large (trachea and bronchi) and small airways (bronchioles) and the alveolar sacs …

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How Long Does a Radius Fracture Take to Heal? Recovery Time

The healing process for radius fractures depends upon certain factors such as the following. The radius is one of two forearm bones that is located on the thumb side (lateral aspect) of the forearm.  The radius fracture may be near the elbow (proximal) or the wrist (distal). Most distal radius fractures take about three months or more to heal before …

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What Is the Difference Between No-Scalpel Vasectomy vs. Traditional Vasectomy?

Since a no-scalpel vasectomy is less invasive than a traditional vasectomy, recovery times are shorter Both no-scalpel and traditional vasectomies are effective means of birth control, but the main difference is how the surgeon accesses the vas deferens during the procedure. Since a no-scalpel vasectomy is less invasive than a traditional vasectomy, recovery times are shorter.  Learn more about no-scalpel …

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Does JIA Arthritis Go Away? 9 Symptoms, 5 Types, Treatment

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common type of arthritis diagnosed in children younger than 16 years. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is either a short-term or chronic condition. JIA is usually classified as a chronic condition because the affected joints are inflamed for at least six weeks. It is an autoimmune disease where healthy cells are attacked and destroyed …

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What Are the 4 Signs of Osteoarthritis? 2 Types, Symptoms, Causes

4 signs of osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative disease in which the joint cartilage wears out. The signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis may vary depending on the severity of the condition. Some people may have negligible symptoms despite radiologic signs of significant joint involvement, whereas others may have severe symptoms that may perturb sleep and rest. Symptoms generally …

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How Can I Make My Hair Grow Faster and Thicker at Home?

Good nutrition Hair needs nutrition. Grow hair faster and thicker at home by eating a diet that provides enough protein, selenium, vitamins, and other micronutrients and using home remedies. A long, thick mane of hair is desirable, but determining the care that works for your hair can be challenging. Hair grows from hair follicles on the scalp. Your hair follicles …

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Can Stress and Anxiety Cause Schizophrenia?

What is stress? Stress is your body's way of responding to mental, physical, or emotional pressure and anxiety is your body's way of reacting to stressful situations. While stress is not a direct cause of schizophrenia, it can trigger an episode of schizophrenia in an already vulnerable person. Although schizophrenia, stress, and anxiety are different mental disorders, it's possible to …

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