triple-negative breast cancer

What Are the 4 Types of Shock? Symptoms, Causes

The four types of shock include distributive shock, cardiogenic shock, hypovolemic shock, and obstructive shock. Shock is a multisystem phenomenon that disrupts the body’s physiology and causes reduced tissue perfusion (oxygenation). Physiological shocks are classified into four main categories: Distributive shock Cardiogenic shock Hypovolemic shock Obstructive shock What is distributive shock? Distributive shock is characterized …

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Are Hiccups Good or Bad? Causes, How To Stop

In most cases, hiccups are typically harmless and last for a short duration. Hiccups (singultus) are usually harmless and last for a short duration. There is little evidence about the beneficial role of hiccups. Studies report that hiccups may occur even when the baby is in the womb. Hiccups while in utero (in the mother’s womb) may help exercise the …

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How Do You Get Rid of a Burning Mouth? Treatment

While burning mouth syndrome typically resolves on its own, you can ease symptoms by drinking fluids, sucking on ice chips, and rinsing with warm saltwater While burning mouth syndrome typically resolves on its own, you can ease symptoms and relieve pain by: Drinking plenty of fluids to avoid mouth dryness Sucking on ice chips or popsicles Rinsing with warm saltwater …

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How Long Does Oral Thrush Last Without Treatment? Causes, Risk Factors

Most people with good immunity can rid themselves of oral thrush within a week to 10 days. The duration of symptoms in oral thrush is largely determined by the patient's ability to fight off this fungal infection and the treatment provided. Most people with good immunity will be able to rid themselves of this ailment in a week or 10 …

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What Are the Signs of a Potassium Deficiency?

Signs of potassium deficiency include muscle weakness, fatigue, numbness or tingling, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bloating, cramps, dizziness, and more Potassium deficiency (hypokalemia) occurs when your potassium levels are too low and can cause signs and symptoms such as: Muscle weakness Fatigue Numbness or tingling  Nausea and vomiting Constipation, bloating, and abdominal cramps Excessive urination and thirst Palpitations Dizziness Fainting Mild …

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How Effective Is Plan B? Morning After Pill

Plan B is almost 95% effective at preventing pregnancy if taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex, and 87% effective if taken within 72 hours Plan B, or the morning after pill, is almost 95% effective at preventing preganncy if taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex, and 87% effective if taken within 72 hours. In short, the sooner you …

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What Do Ascites Feel Like? 16 Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Ascites can exert pressure on the abdomen, making it feel bloated and causing abdominal discomfort. Ascites can manifest in various ways depending on their severity. People with mild ascites may have a normal-looking abdomen, whereas those with severe ascites may have a swollen or distended abdomen: Ascites can exert pressure on the abdomen, making it feel bloated Increasing pressure on …

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Is Lamictal Used as a Mood Stabilizer? Lamotrigine

Lamictal (lamotrigine) is used as a mood stabilizer to treat people with bipolar disorder, as well as as an anticonvulsant for people with epilepsy Lamictal (lamotrigine) is used as a mood stabilizer to treat people with bipolar disorder, as well as as an anticonvulsant for people with seizure disorders. Lamotrigine is a prescription-only medication that must be taken only under …

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What Does Frostbite Feel Like? Symptoms, Treatment, Risks

13 frostbite symptoms Depending on the stage, frostbite may result in the following 13 symptoms. Frostbite can occur quickly in severe temperatures (as little as 10 minutes when the temperature falls to minus 10 degrees). It can irreversibly harm the skin and underlying tissue. In most instances, the damage is reversible. Frostbite can cause the following symptoms according to the …

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When Do You Lose Your Sense of Smell and Taste With COVID-19?

COVID-19 symptoms of loss of smell and taste typically begin 4-5 days after other symptoms have appeared and may last 7-14 days According to recent studies, COVID-19 symptoms of loss of smell and taste typically begin 4-5 days after other symptoms have appeared and may last 7-14 days. Symptoms often improve after 7 days, with more noticeable improvements after 14 …

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