triple-negative breast cancer

How Quickly Does Penile Cancer Grow?

Penile cancer typically grows slowly over many years. However, in some cases it can grow more quickly depending on the grade of cancer Penile cancer typically grows slowly over many years. However, in some cases it can grow more quickly depending on the grade of cancer. The higher the grade, the faster the cancer can spread. …

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5 Signs of Cardiac Arrest: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Five warning signs of cardiac arrest include chest pain, dizziness, palpitations, breathlessness, and nausea or vomiting. For many people, cardiac arrest is a sudden occurrence, and fainting or losing consciousness is a common sign. It may not come with any other warning sign. When warning signs occur, they can include: Chest pain Dizziness/loss of consciousness  Palpitations Breathlessness Nausea and vomiting …

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5 Habits Causing Stains on Your Teeth: 7 Tips for Whitening Teeth

5 habits that may stain the teeth Learn five everyday habits that may stain your teeth, including drinking tea or coffee, smoking or chewing tobacco, and poor dental hygiene. Having stained teeth can significantly affect confidence. However, most fail to realize that it is the small habits that can cause a long-lasting effect on the teeth. Here are five everyday …

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Main Cause of Cardiac Arrest: How to Prevent, Symptoms, Treatment

The majority of cardiac arrests are caused by disturbances in the heart rhythm, known as arrhythmia. The majority of cardiac arrests are caused by disturbances in the heart rhythm, known as arrhythmia. An electrical system controls the muscle cells and rhythmic pumping motion of your heart, which establishes and regulates the heart rhythm and maintains your heartbeat constant. However, the …

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Why Do I Keep Losing My Erection? 13 Reasons

If you keep losing an erection during sex, you are not alone. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common and occurs for a wide variety of reasons, from psychological to physical If you keep losing an erection during sex, you are not alone. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common and occurs for a wide variety of reasons, from psychological to physical. Erection problems …

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Does Sex Make You Lose Weight or Gain Weight?

Unlike many work-outs, sex is an exercise that can help you burn some calories and still have fun while doing it. Can you lose weight by having sex? Definitely. In fact, unlike many work-outs, sex is an exercise that can help you burn some calories and still have fun while doing it.  That’s not all, though: sex can change how …

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Fastest Way to Lose Weight After Pregnancy: Reduce Baby Weight

With mindful eating, regular exercise, and breastfeeding, it is possible to lose 500 grams each week and return to your original size and shape. With mindful eating, regular exercise, and breastfeeding, it is possible to lose 500 grams each week and return to your original size and shape, but this will take time and dedication. Five tips for losing postpartum …

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How Is Anterior Epistaxis Treated? 6 Steps, Nose Bleed Management

Learn six steps to stop epistaxis, as well as the management techniques used by clinicians. Epistaxis is bleeding from the nasal mucosa and is the most prevalent emergency in otorhinolaryngology. Epistaxis is of two types, anterior and posterior epistaxis, both of which have a prevalence of 10 to 12 percent. Kiesselbach's plexus (also called Little's area) on the anterior nasal …

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When After Delivery Can You Get Your Tubes Tied? Pros and Cons

Tubal ligation can be done immediately after vaginal or cesarean delivery or within a few hours or days following delivery. Tubal ligation (a permanent contraceptive method) can be done immediately after vaginal or cesarean delivery or within a few hours or days following delivery: Post-partum sterilization during cesarean delivery: Immediately after a woman gives birth or during the cesarean section. …

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MRI vs. Mammogram: Which Is Better for Breast Cancer Screening?

According to studies, breast cancer screening using MRI two times a year is considered better than one mammogram per year. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, comprising about 22.9 percent of all invasive cancers and 13.7 percent of cancer deaths of women worldwide. Because of the higher incidence of breast cancer, all women older than 40 years …

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