triple-negative breast cancer

What Percent of Neck Biopsies Are Cancer? Lymph Node Biopsy

Nearly 75 percent of lateral neck biopsies done in patients older than 40 years of age are cancerous. Most neck masses are noncancerous, but persistent, continuously growing neck mass requires a neck biopsy. Nearly 75 percent of lateral neck biopsies done in patients older than 40 years of age are cancerous. This is because only …

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Part of the Body That Loses Most Heat in Cold Water: Hypothermia

Due to a higher blood flow in the head and neck than in the rest of the body, 40 to 45 percent of body heat is lost through the head and neck. The body constantly generates and radiates heat to its surroundings. The body loses most of its heat when submerged in cold water from the head, neck, sides of …

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What Is Oropharyngeal Cancer? Causes, 10 Symptoms, Treatment

Oropharyngeal cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that can develop in any part of the oropharynx. Oropharyngeal cancer is a type of head and neck cancer. It is a malignant condition of the oropharynx, which is the middle part of the pharynx (throat), behind the mouth. The term, malignant refers to the condition of uncontrolled growth of cells …

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What Is Percutaneous Renal Puncture? Nephrostomy Procedure

A percutaneous renal puncture is a form of surgical procedure in which the kidney is accessed through an insertion made into the skin. Percutaneous renal puncture, medically called percutaneous nephrostomy, is a form of surgical procedure in which the kidney is accessed through an insertion made into the skin. The procedure helps the doctor place a long, flexible tube (catheter) …

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What is Perimortem Cesarean? Procedure, Survival Rate Chart

Perimortem Cesarean refers to an emergency surgical delivery of the baby performed on a pregnant woman during or near her death. The word “perimortem” stands for at or near the time of death. So, as the name suggests, perimortem Cesarean refers to an emergency surgical delivery of the baby performed on a pregnant woman during or near her death. It …

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7 Benefits of Cleaning the Nose: Nasal Decontamination

7 benefits of cleaning the nose Learn the seven benefits of a nasal rinse, which include better sleep, ensuring proper nasal hygiene, and feeling more energized. Here are seven benefits of cleaning the nose: May feel more energized and active as a result of being able to breathe more easily, without congestion or discomfort. You sleep better. Less vulnerable to …

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What Is Radical Orchiectomy? Testicle Removal, Complications

Radical orchiectomy is the surgical removal of a testicle, which is most often performed on patients with testicular cancer. Radical orchiectomy is the surgical removal of a testicle. It is mostly used to treat testicular cancer. It could be required if a testicle has been seriously damaged by illness, infection, or injury. An orchiectomy is a treatment option in patients …

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What Is Subclavian Central Venous Access? Catheter Complications

Central venous access is required in a variety of clinical scenarios with the subclavian veins serving as the favored site in most cases. Central venous access (CVC) is required in a variety of clinical scenarios, including hemodynamic monitoring, medication administration, and blood sample collection in intensive care settings. The three veins in the body that are accessed during central venous …

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What Causes Childhood Extracranial Germ Cell Tumors?

Although the exact cause of most childhood extracranial germ cell tumors is unknown, genetic disorders can put children at an increased risk of developing the condition Although the exact cause of most childhood extracranial germ cell tumors is unknown, genetic disorders can put children at an increased risk of developing the condition. Possible risk factors include the following: Klinefelter syndrome: …

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What Can You Give a Child for Conjunctivitis? Pinkeye Treatment

Conjunctivitis is a minor eye infection common in young children that can be treated with eye rinses, saline drops, lubricants, and antihistamines Conjunctivitis is a minor eye infection common in young children. Also called pinkeye, conjunctivitis can be treated with eye rinses, saline drops, lubricants, and antihistamines: Eye rinse: Clean the infected eye carefully with clean, warm water and to …

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