triple-negative breast cancer

What Can Be Diagnosed From a Sleep Study? Sleep Disorders

Sleep apnea and many other sleep problems are diagnosed using in-lab sleep examinations. A sleep study is the study of physiological parameters while a person sleeps. It measures your tissue oxygen levels, heart rate, electroencephalogram, blood pressure, and respiratory pattern. A sleep study is a detailed analysis used to identify sleep abnormalities, commonly known as …

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12 Best Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury: 10 Causes, 12 Signs

Twelve types of treatment options are available for people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Immediate spinal cord injury (SCI) treatment can help avert worse consequences and is usually considered the best treatment option for SCI. Immediate treatment includes: Immobilizing the spine and spinal collar placement Immediate hospital admission Surgery is typically performed to remove vertebral bone fragments and other things …

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Why Would a Cardiologist Order a Sleep Study? 5 Treatments

Sleep apnea is characterized by frequent breathing pauses that can stress and even harm the cardiovascular system as a whole. A cardiologist orders a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea syndrome. Often, sleep apnea syndrome is accompanied by obesity, hypertension, a tendency to develop heart arrhythmias, and cardiovascular disease, which are seen and treated by a cardiologist. According to estimates, …

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How Long Can Erectile Dysfunction Last?

What is erectile dysfunction?  Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or maintain an erection when you want one. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can last a few months to years. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can last a few months to years. Depending on the underlying cause, you may have ED for the rest of your life. According to the fifth edition of …

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How Long Does Vertigo Last From an Inner Ear Infection?

What is an inner ear infection? Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness or the sensation that the room around you is spinning. An inner ear infection can cause vertigo for a few hours, days, or weeks. An inner ear infection can cause vertigo for a few hours, days, or weeks. You may be able to regain your balance within a …

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How Many Drinks A Day Is Considered An Alcoholic?

What qualifies as a “drink”? People who consume alcohol excessively can qualify as alcoholics with alcohol use disorder. The CDC defines heavy drinking as eight or more drinks in a week for women. People who consume alcohol excessively can qualify as alcoholics with alcohol use disorder. To understand what qualifies you as an alcoholic, it's important to be familiar with the …

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Is It Bad To Scrape Your Tongue With A Spoon?

How to keep your tongue clean? A tongue scraper removes odor-causing bacteria more effectively from your tongue than a toothbrush. Tongue scraping is good for your oral health, but scraping your tongue with a spoon isn't very effective. Even if you're a dental and oral hygiene pro, you might not be brushing or scraping your tongue. Is it bad to …

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Why Is My Blood Pressure Suddenly High and Low?

What is high blood pressure? Blood pressure can be defined as the force your blood creates when it's flowing through your arteries. Blood pressure may be high or low due to medication side effects, certain medical conditions, or unknown reasons. Blood pressure can be defined as the force your blood creates when it’s flowing through your arteries (the blood vessels …

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Can You Get Yourself Back to Normal After Psychosis?

Causes of psychosis Psychosis is a condition of the mind that breaks your connection with reality. Detecting psychosis early and getting treatment will help you go back to normal. Psychosis is a condition of the mind that breaks your connection with reality. The two chief symptoms are delusions (strong beliefs that aren't true) and hallucinations (hearing or seeing non-existent things). Hearing …

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Can I Put Hydrogen Peroxide Straight on My Teeth?

What is hydrogen peroxide? Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid (when undiluted) that has a slightly pungent smell. Yes, you can put hydrogen peroxide straight on your teeth — but only in low concentrations. Yes, you can put hydrogen peroxide straight on your teeth — but only in low concentrations. That’s because hydrogen peroxide is very reactive. Using it in …

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