triple-negative breast cancer

Why Is a Hematoma Worse Than a Bruise?

What is the difference between a contusion and a hematoma? A hematoma is like a bruise but more serious. A hematoma is worse than a bruise because it's usually a sign of an injury deeper in the skin. No matter your age, it's common to get bruises on occasion. Some people can bruise more easily and …

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Torsemide: Kidney Disease Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: torsemide Brand and Other Names: Soaanz, Demadex (discontinued), torasemide Drug Class: Diuretics, Loop What is torsemide, and what is it used for? Torsemide is a medication used to reduce fluid retention and swelling (edema) associated with conditions such as heart failure, kidney disease, and liver disease (cirrhosis). Torsemide is also used to manage high blood pressure (hypertension), however, …

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What Is the Main Cause of Road Rage? 7 Causes, How to Prevent

Road rage is a form of irrational rage triggered by minor inconveniences and mishaps while driving. The main cause of road rage can be the outcome of preexisting and poorly handled stress or anger issues in some circumstances. There are certain factors such as losing your job or a personal/family catastrophic disease that cause: A lot of stress in your …

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Where Should the Femoral Central Line Be Placed?

Learn about femoral vein cannulation, how it is done, and when it is used The femoral central line should be placed into the femoral vein, which is located in the upper thigh area. The catheter should be placed below the femoral ligament, in the middle of the thigh and avoiding the inguinal fold. How is femoral vein cannulation done? The procedure …

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Can’t Sleep Due to Overactive Bladder? 4 Tips for Better Sleep

If you can’t sleep due to an overactive bladder, here are some tips that can help you manage or reduce symptoms If you have an overactive bladder (OAB), it can be difficult to get quality sleep since it can make you wake up frequently throughout the night to use the bathroom.  Here are 4 tips for getting a good night’s …

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What Foods Should People With Parkinson’s Disease Avoid? 7 Foods

Learn about which foods can worsen symptoms of Parkinson’s and what type of diet may help slow progression of the disease Diet and nutrition play a significant role in boosting the overall health of people with Parkinson’s disease and slowing its progression, and certain foods are better than others. Here are 7 foods that can worsen symptoms of Parkinson’s disease …

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Can Parkinson’s Be Reversed With Diet? Symptoms & Stages

Although diet cannot reverse Parkinson's disease, eating healthy can help ease symptoms and slow disease progression Parkinson's disease cannot be reversed with diet, but dietary changes, exercise, and medications can help ease symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Eating a balanced diet can improve your overall health and boost your ability to cope with the condition. What is Parkinson’s …

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Is Schizoaffective Disorder Worse Than Bipolar?

What is schizoaffective disorder? Schizoaffective disorder is a condition on the schizophrenia spectrum, but it is not the same condition as schizophrenia. In general, people with schizoaffective disorder probably have more symptoms to manage than those with bipolar disorder, but this cannot be generalized to every person with these diagnoses. Schizoaffective disorder is a condition on the schizophrenia spectrum, but …

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Dolutegravir: HIV Antiretroviral Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: dolutegravir Brand Names: Tivicay, Tivicay PD Drug Class: HIV, Integrase Inhibitors What is dolutegravir, and what is it used for? Dolutegravir is an antiretroviral medication used to treat human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) infection in adults and children. Dolutegravir is used as a component of antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen, which combines several antiretroviral drugs that work in different …

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Is Tardive Dyskinesia Brain Damage?

What is tardive dyskinesia?  Tardive dyskinesia is a movement disorder caused by certain kinds of medication, including some antipsychotics and antidepressants. Tardive dyskinesia is brain damage in the sense that it’s likely caused by permanent alterations to your brain's biochemistry. Researchers don’t know the exact biological changes that lead to tardive dyskinesia (TD), but it is associated with changes in …

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