mental health

Mental Health: Get the Facts on Common Disorders

Facts you should know about mental health and mental illness Mental health is more than just being free of a mental illness. It is more of an optimal level of thinking, feeling, and relating to others. Mentally healthy individuals tend to have better medical health, productivity, and social relationships. Mental illness refers to all of …

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What Does Enabling Mean?

Enabling is a process where a person (i.e., the enabler) supports/conceals the harmful or problematic behavior in another person (enabled). The problematic behavior may mean drug abuse, substance abuse or domestic violence. According to American Psychological Association, enabling is a process where a person (i.e., the enabler) supports/conceals the harmful or problematic behavior in another person (enabled). The problematic behavior may …

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What Are the Different Complexes?

Types of complexes The American Psychological Association defines complexes as a group or system of related ideas or impulses that have a common emotional tone and exert a strong but usually unconscious influence on the individual’s attitudes and behavior. Different complexes include the Oedipus/Electra, persecution, inferiority, superiority, Madonna-whore, God, guilt and martyr complexes. The American Psychological Association defines complexes as a …

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What Is Meant by Being Assertive?

What is assertiveness? Being assertive means having the ability to express your needs and feelings clearly and firmly without disrespecting or undermining others. Assertiveness is a healthy behavior that enables you to communicate in a prosocial manner. Being assertive means having the ability to express your needs and feelings clearly and firmly without disrespecting or undermining others. Assertiveness is a …

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Why Does a Person Become a Hoarder?

What causes hoarding? Hoarding is a severe psychological disorder where a person gathers an excessive number of items and stores them. The reasons someone become a hoarder include altered brain connections, genetics, stress, OCD, environmental factors and altered levels of serotonin. Doctors point to several potential causes for a person to become a hoarder. Altered brain connections: Studies showed that …

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What is an Example of Repression? Psychology

What is repression? Repression is a psychological defense mechanism in which unpleasant thoughts or memories are pushed from the conscious mind. An example might be someone who does not recall abuse in their early childhood, but still has problems with connection, aggression and anxiety resulting from the unremembered trauma. Repression is the unconscious blocking of unpleasant emotions, thoughts, memories or …

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What Are the Best Treatments for Panic Attacks?

What is a panic attack? A counselor can help you learn coping techniques to use when you have a panic attack. Many people with anxiety disorders experience panic attacks in their daily lives. While there isn’t currently a cure for panic disorders, treatment can help to manage and even prevent the attacks. If you believe you have the symptoms of …

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Which Is Worse: Neurosis or Psychosis?

How are neurotic disorders and psychotic disorders different? Neurotic behavior is rooted in reality. Someone with psychosis has lost touch with reality. Psychosis is worse than neurosis because with psychosis you are detached from reality and may be unable to care for yourself. Neurotic disorders and psychotic disorders are different in the fact that neurotic behavior is rooted in reality. …

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How Do You Feel When You Have Anorexia?

What Is anorexia? Anorexia, is an eating disorder characterized by extreme weight loss. Behavioral and physical signs include obsessing about weight, weight gain fears, eating only low-calorie foods, distorted body image, excessive exercising, feeling exhausted, dizzy, bloated, constipated, cold, irritable, distracted and unable to concentrate. Food is vital to life, yet eating disorders like anorexia affect at least 9% of …

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What Is the Best Treatment for Asperger’s?

What is autism? Asperger's is a type of autism without intellectual or language impairment. The best treatment for Asperger's is therapy and medication. Asperger’s syndrome is one of several conditions now understood to be a type of autism spectrum disorder. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way people communicate and behave. Though Asperger’s is no longer a diagnosis, …

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