mens health

Should I Be Worried if I Have Balanitis?

What is balanitis?  Balanitis, or pain and swelling around the glans of the penis, is a common condition. You should not be worried about balanitis, but you should see a doctor and get treatment so your discomfort goes away. If you have ever had unexplained soreness and swelling in your penis, you were probably understandably …

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Is Balanitis an STD and Will it Go Away on its Own?

Symptoms of balanitis Balanitis is a painful inflammation of the head of the penis. Balanitis is a symptom, not a condition and it can be caused by a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Balanitis is a painful inflammation of the head of the penis. It’s very common, especially if you have an uncircumcised penis. The skin around the head can get …

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What Are the 5 Signs of a Varicocele? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

5 signs of a varicocele Here are the 5 signs of a varicocele, which include a scrotal mass, heavy sensation, enlarged veins, dull or sharp pain, and infertility issues. Varicocele is typically asymptomatic, but it may become more visible over time. When a varicocele reaches a certain size, men may begin to experience symptoms. The top 5 signs of a …

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Why Do I Have Discharge From My Penis?

Discharge from the penis that is not associated with sexual arousal is not considered normal and may be caused by various conditions, which include: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) Prostatitis Balanitis Urethritis Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Urinary tract infection (UTI) UTI is an infection of your urinary system. UTIs typically occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and …

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What Are the Top 6 Health Threats for Men?

Women live longer than men everywhere in the world. In the United States, the life expectancy for women is around 81. For men, it's 76. Some say that the gap is because men are more likely to be risk-takers. But the gender gap in life expectancy is lower among people who are high-income and well-educated. That suggests that men can …

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What are the top 4 causes of male infertility?

What is male infertility? Infertility is a common issue that couples face. Experts estimate that 1 in 7 couples are unable to conceive a child without medical assistance. There are many reasons that a couple might have trouble conceiving. About 30% of infertility situations are due to male infertility. This means that there is some problem that is preventing sperm …

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How Does Exercise Affect Testosterone Levels?

The way that the male hormone, testosterone, interacts with exercise is a hotly talked about and debated phenomenon. It is also an area of hormonal research that is ongoing. As a result, we are always learning more about this emerging field of study. Read on to learn about the newest research and whether or not exercise actually does impact hormone …

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Can Male Infertility Be Treated?

Deciding to start a family is an exciting choice for any couple. Still, many couples find that getting pregnant isn’t as simple as they hoped. Infertility affects one in seven couples. Figuring out what causes infertility is a challenge both partners face. Female infertility is not the only reason that couples can’t conceive a baby. Male infertility is also a …

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What Is the Main Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

Penile erection is a complex process in which the brain, nerves, muscles and blood vessels play a major role. The main causes of erectile dysfunction include psychological and health conditions, medications, trauma and lifestyle factors. Penile erection is a complex process in which the brain, nerves, muscles and blood vessels play a major role. In addition, hormones and emotions are …

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What Are the Symptoms of Pruritus Scroti?

What is pruritus scroti? Scrotal itching is a symptom of pruritis scroti. Pruritus scroti is a common condition characterized by scrotal itching (the skin sac containing the testicles). The condition may occur due to infections, systemic inflammatory disorders, worm infestations, allergies, and tumors. The crotch is warm and moist, which is prone to fungal and bacterial infections and rashes. Also, …

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