mens health

Is Erectile Dysfunction Permanent?

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when you have trouble getting or maintaining an erection on a regular basis. Erectile dysfunction is treated with lifestyle, behavioral, medical, and surgical interventions. Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when you have trouble getting or maintaining an erection on a regular basis, disrupting your sex life.  ED is …

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Is Erectile Dysfunction Always Permanent?

Is erectile dysfunction a normal part of aging?  Erectile dysfunction is defined as your inability to get or maintain an erection when you want to. Erectile dysfunction is treatable with counseling, medications, injections, physical devices, and other medical treatments. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is treatable in most men. You might be limiting your sex life unnecessarily if you think that erectile …

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How Do You Fix Erectile Dysfunction at 50?

Is erectile dysfunction a normal part of aging?  Erectile dysfunction isn’t necessarily a normal part of aging. Fix erectile dysfunction at 50 by making lifestyle changes, getting psychological help, getting medical or mechanical treatment, or considering surgery. The way that you treat erectile dysfunction (ED) at any age ultimately depends on the cause. Each cause will have its own treatment.  …

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Is it Better to be not Circumcised?

Is circumcision a bad idea? Circumcision is the removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis. There is no clear answer as to whether it is better to not be circumcised as circumcision has medical, ethical, and cultural concerns. Male circumcision is a deeply personal decision you make for yourself or your son. The health benefits of circumcision …

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Why Do I Keep Losing My Erection? 13 Reasons

If you keep losing an erection during sex, you are not alone. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common and occurs for a wide variety of reasons, from psychological to physical If you keep losing an erection during sex, you are not alone. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common and occurs for a wide variety of reasons, from psychological to physical. Erection problems …

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How Common Is Male Infertility? Risk Factors

In at least 50% of infertility cases, a male factor is a contributing cause. This indicates that about 10% of males trying to conceive suffer from male infertility Infertility is common, affecting 1 in every 6 couples trying to conceive. In at least 50% of infertility cases, a male factor is a contributing cause. This indicates that about 10% of …

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Testosterone: Low T Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: testosterone Brand Names: Aveed, Depo-Testosterone, Testopel, Xyosted, Jatenzo, Tlando Drug Class: Androgens What is testosterone, and what is it used for? Testosterone is the natural male steroid hormone (androgen) responsible for the development of male reproductive organs, their normal functioning, and male secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle mass, bone mass and strength, body hair and deep voice. …

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How Do You Test for Prostatic Fluid? Prostate Cancer Analysis

Physical examination is done to test for the presence and collection of prostatic fluid. Physical examination is done to test for the presence and collection of prostatic fluid. This collected fluid is called expressed prostatic secretions. The collected fluid samples are subjected to various tests to detect the signs of inflammation and infection of the prostate, recurrent urinary tract infections, …

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What Is a Transrectal Ultrasound of the Prostate? Uses, Risks

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate is a procedure done using high-energy sound waves generated by a probe inserted into the rectum. Transrectal ultrasound (also called endorectal ultrasound) of the prostate is a procedure in which imaging of the prostate, rectum, and nearby tissues is done using high-energy sound waves (ultrasound waves) generated by a probe inserted into the rectum. These …

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What Is Radical Orchiectomy? Testicle Removal, Complications

Radical orchiectomy is the surgical removal of a testicle, which is most often performed on patients with testicular cancer. Radical orchiectomy is the surgical removal of a testicle. It is mostly used to treat testicular cancer. It could be required if a testicle has been seriously damaged by illness, infection, or injury. An orchiectomy is a treatment option in patients …

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