What are the most common causes of thrush? Thrush is a common yeast infection caused by a yeast called Candida. Thrush is a common yeast infection caused by a yeast called Candida. The most common strain of this fungus is Candida albicans (C. albicans). The mouth and throat are one of the most common sites of Candida infections, …
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Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) Causes
What are the causes of low blood pressure? Low blood pressure can be temporary, or it can be a chronic (long-lasting) condition. These are the following medical reasons that may lead to low blood pressure: Blood loss: Losing a lot of blood, such as from a major injury or internal bleeding, reduces the amount of blood in your body, leading to …
Read More »MyPlate: What Should Your Plate Look Like?
What is MyPlate? The plate is divided into four unequal sections to represent different food groups. The US government (U.S. Department of Agriculture – USDA) developed a helpful guide for adults and children for optimal health. “MyPlate” replaces the familiar “food pyramid” that has been obsolete. The MyPlate model shows the five food groups (fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and dairy) in …
Read More »Tennis Elbow Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
What is a tennis elbow? A tennis elbow is a condition in which the swelling of the tendon causes pain A tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition in which the swelling of the tendon causes pain in the elbow or arm. Tendons are a band of tissues that connects the muscles of the lower arm to …
Read More »Quick Relief For Heartburn
What relieves heartburn fast? Heartburn refers to the burning sensation in the chest If you are experiencing heartburn, you may ease the problem by: Standing up straight: Lying down may put more pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. Standing up reduces this pressure and decreases the escape of acidic contents from the stomach upwards through the food pipe. …
Read More »What Causes Vertigo?
The causes of vertigo can be classified into peripheral and central. The causes of vertigo can be classified into peripheral and central. Peripheral causes (due to problems in the inner ear): The inner ear maintains balance by sending impulses to the brain about the head, neck, and body movements. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of all …
Read More »Types of Strokes
What are the types of strokes? There are five main types of strokes There are five main types of strokes, and the causes and clinical presentation of each of them vary: Ischemic stroke Hemorrhagic stroke Transient ischemic attack (Ministroke) Brain stem stroke Cryptogenic stroke (stroke of unknown cause) What is a stroke? A stroke, also called cerebrovascular accident (CVA), occurs …
Read More »What Are Some Common Endocrine Disorders?
What is the function of endocrine glands? Endocrine disorders affect the function of the endocrine glands. Endocrine glands are organs that are specialized in regulating various functions of your body. These functions include growth and development, metabolism, sexual function, reproduction and mood. Normally, your body has eight major endocrine glands, each serving a different set of functions. Most of the …
Read More »How Do You Stop Psoriasis From Stress?
Why does stress make psoriasis worse? Managing stress can help keep psoriasis flare-ups at bay. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that can be passed down (hereditary) to you from your parents or grandparents. Stress is a common factor that can trigger your psoriasis. Psoriasis has a stronger association with psychiatric disorders than other skin diseases. Research reports that mental …
Read More »What Is Laparoscopic Hartmann Procedure Reversal?
What is laparoscopic Hartmann procedure reversal? Hartmann procedure reversal rejoins previously separated portions of the colon. The laparoscopic Hartmann procedure reversal is done to close the colostomy (large bowel opening onto the skin) that was previously done. This is followed by reconnecting the two parts of the intestine that were previously separated. Laparoscopic Hartman procedure: It is an operation in …
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