The major cause of alar retraction is rhinoplasty, which requires surgical correction. The major cause of alar retraction is rhinoplasty, which requires surgical correction. The excision or aggressive surgical removal of tissue can be a major cause of alar retraction after rhinoplasty. The partial excision of the lower nasal cartilage that extends upper for tip …
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What Are the Symptoms of Cryptosporidiosis?
Cryptosporidiosis is an infection of the gut (small intestine) caused by microbes Cryptosporidiosis is an infection of the gut (small intestine) caused by microbes—parasites called Cryptosporidium (Crypto). Its most common symptoms include: Watery diarrhea (most common) Abdominal cramps Dehydration (pale and dry skin, dry tongue, and weakness) Nausea Vomiting Fever Weight loss Some people who get infected with Crypto might …
Read More »What Are the Negative Effects of Coffee? 15 Effects & Benefits
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the US. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the US. People drink coffee several times a day citing the reason that it makes them stay alert and focused. And yes! It does. The effect is due to the stimulant, caffeine. Generally, up to 400 milligrams of caffeine in …
Read More »How Much Water Should You Drink Based on Your Weight?
The old formula “one size fits all” seems to be outdated in the current scenario. The old formula “one size fits all” seems to be outdated in the current scenario. Currently, the size, weight, activity level, or area of living can influence your water need. In general, you should try to drink between half an ounce to an ounce of …
Read More »What Does a Colposcopy Test For? Procedure Results
Colposcopy is usually done at a doctor's office or clinic, and it typically takes 10 to 20 minutes. A colposcopy is a simple procedure that tests for the presence of Cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix). Vulval cancer (cancer of the vulva). Vaginal cancer (cancer of the vagina). Genital warts. Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). It is most commonly advised …
Read More »How Are Nasal Polyps Removed?
How are nasal polyps removed? Nasal polyps are removed surgically. The surgical removal of nasal polyps is known as nasal polypectomy. The procedure is mainly performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The physician relieves congestion of the nose using oxymetazoline drops or pellets. The polyps are removed with the help of polyp forceps without injuring the surrounding tissue. Generally, …
Read More »How Do You Get Rid of Lice Quickly?
Head lice can’t jump or fly; they can only crawl. There are several prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and home remedies available to treat head lice and their eggs. How do head lice spread? Head lice can’t jump or fly; they can only crawl. Lice usually directly transfer from the hair of one person to another. Hence, head lice infestation may …
Read More »How Long Can You Live With Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS)?
The normal lifespan of a grown adult can be stated as 50 years (if symptoms start early). Stiff person syndrome (SPS) is considered dangerous in babies because they generally meet unfortunate and untimely death within a few months. The normal lifespan of a grown adult can be stated as 50 years (if symptoms start early). Patients typically present with initial …
Read More »How Is Dermoscopy Performed?
Dermoscopy is useful in the evaluation of the skin surface. Dermoscopy is useful in the evaluation of the skin surface. The doctor uses a handheld instrument, known as the dermatoscope. The physician covers the pigmented skin lesion with oil and alcohol to reduce the reflectivity of the skin and enhance the transparency of the outermost layer of the skin. By …
Read More »How Serious Is a Liver Biopsy?
A liver biopsy can be performed in an outpatient setting. A liver biopsy can be performed in an outpatient setting. In the hands of an experienced doctor, it rarely produces complications. Mild pain in the upper right abdomen that goes away within a few hours is the most common complication of a liver biopsy. In rare cases, internal bleeding may …
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