Hemabate (carboprost tromethamine): Uses, Side Effects & Dosage

What is carboprost tromethamine?

Carboprost (Hemabate) is a man-made oxytocic medication that mimics the action of a naturally occurring chemical called prostaglandin F2 alpha. It treats bleeding in new mothers immediately after delivery.

Is carboprost tromethamine available as a generic drug?


What is carboprost tromethamine used for?

Carboprost is used to abort pregnancy during the second
trimester and to treat uterine bleeding after delivery.

What are the side effects of carboprost tromethamine?

Common side effects of carboprost are:

It also may cause:

  • Endometritis (inflammation of
    the lining of the uterus)
  • Retained placental fragments
  • Excessive uterine bleeding

Hypersensitivity with allergic reactions may occur. Therefore,
patients must be under medical supervision while carboprost is being

What is the dosage for carboprost tromethamine?

  • Termination of pregnancy, during second trimester: Inject 250 mcg (1 ml)
    intramuscularly, then administer 250 mcg (1 ml) to 500 mcg (2 ml) every 1.5 to
    3.5 hours based on patient response. The total dose should not exceed 12 mg.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage: Inject 250 mcg (1 ml) intramuscularly; repeat every 15
    to 90 minutes as needed. The total dose should not exceed 2 mg.

Which drugs or supplements interact with carboprost tromethamine?

Carboprost should not be administered with oxytocin (Pitocin)
because both medications work similarly. Oxytocin also induces contractions
during labor; therefore, use of both medications is not recommended.

Is carboprost tromethamine safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

It should be used only for termination of pregnancy and to treat hemorrhage after delivery.

It is not known whether carboprost is excreted in breast milk.


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What else should I know about carboprost tromethamine?

What preparations of carboprost tromethamine are available?

Injectable: 250 mcg/ml

How should I keep carboprost tromethamine stored?

Carboprost injectable should be refrigerated at 2 C to 8 C (36 F to 46 F).

How does carboprost tromethamine work?

Oxytocic medications have the effects of oxytocin, which causes
contractions during labor and controls bleeding after childbirth. Carboprost
works on prostaglandin F receptor sites in uterine muscle to increase
contractions and induce labor. It is used to terminate pregnancies and control
uterine bleeding.

When was carboprost tromethamine approved by the FDA?

The FDA approved carboprost tromethamine in January 1979.

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