What Are the Benefits and Side Effects of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice?

What is aloe vera juice?

Aloe vera is a plant that traditional cultures have used for thousands of years to remedy skin infections, wounds, and digestive problems. Benefits of aloe vera are that it relieve constipation and treats skin conditions, but it may cause side effects like cramps and increased bleeding.
Aloe vera is a plant that traditional cultures have used for thousands of years to remedy skin infections, wounds, and digestive problems. Benefits of aloe vera are that it relieve constipation and treats skin conditions, but it may cause side effects like cramps and increased bleeding.

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that grows in dry and hot climates. Traditional cultures have used aloe for thousands of years to remedy skin infections, wounds, and digestive problems. Today, aloe is a popular remedy for soothing skin conditions and minor burns. People also use the plant internally as aloe extract or aloe vera juice. 

Aloe vera juice is an extract from the aloe plant’s leaves. These fleshy green leaves have a thick outer rind that protects two inner liquids: a bitter, yellow liquid called latex. This is the plant’s sap, which consists of  chemicals called anthraquinones, and a clear pulp made of plant cells called parenchyma. 

The pulp is commonly known as aloe gel and is the gooey part you squeeze out of a fresh aloe leaf. Pulp is a mucilage, which herbalists use to soothe and protect membranes and tissues. 

Technically, “aloe juice” is the sap: the latex part of the aloe plant. But you can also soak, grind, or crush the entire aloe leaf to make a third liquid called aloe vera juice or whole leaf extract. The juice you buy off the shelf is usually this whole leaf extract and might have latex, pulp, and rind or green leaf parts, though it might only contain gel. Some companies filter the juice to remove the latex and leaf parts, called decolorized whole leaf extract. 

What are the benefits of aloe vera juice?

The aloe vera plant has many active plant compounds that might have health benefits.

Low-calorie drink

Aloe vera juice is a low-calorie and low-sugar drink. The juice is mostly water, but it also contains some natural sugars and vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and sodium. Many people add aloe vera juice to smoothies, which can be a better option than other fruit juices. Aloe latex can cause digestive side effects, so regularly drinking aloe juice with latex might not be a good idea. 

Relieves constipation

The anthraquinone compounds in latex have a laxative effect on the body. These compounds block sodium and potassium activities in your gut, making your intestines absorb less water. With a higher water concentration, your stool becomes soft, making it easy to have a bowel movement. 

Might help lower blood sugar

Animal studies suggest that aloe vera juice might help lower blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. Some older human studies also show that aloe vera juice lowers fasting blood sugar levels and cholesterol and fat in the blood. 

Might help acid reflux

A small study tested aloe vera juice for symptoms of acid reflux, including heartburn, belching, food regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, and trouble swallowing. The study compared aloe juice to medications and found that aloe vera juice relieved the frequency of symptoms.

Is aloe vera juice good for ulcerative colitis?

Lots of people suggest aloe vera for digestive ulcers, including stomach ulcers and an inflammatory bowel disease called ulcerative colitis. In a small study, some adults with ulcerative colitis took aloe vera gel, and some took a placebo every day for a month. The aloe vera gel patients had higher remission and symptom improvement levels than the placebo group.  

But these benefits came from the mucilaginous gel or pulp, not the latex or juice that contains latex. People with ulcers should be aware that aloe latex irritates your intestines and can worsen digestive symptoms. 

What are the side effects of aloe vera juice?

Aloe vera juice can cause unpleasant side effects. Many experts say that the side effects and risks outweigh the benefits. 

Cramps and diarrhea

Aloe vera latex can cause severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. In 2002, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned aloe vera in over-the-counter laxatives because of concerns about safety. Later studies suggest that short-term use might be safe. Still, prolonged use can raise your risk of dehydration

If you struggle with constipation, look for safer ways to relieve your symptoms than taking aloe latex. Try to eat more fiber from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and drink plenty of water.  

Can increase bleeding

Aloe vera juice might slow blood clotting, which can lead to a higher risk of bleeding. If you decide to take aloe vera juice, avoid it for two weeks before surgery. You also shouldn’t take it if you have a bleeding disorder, or take blood thinners or other herbs and supplements that affect blood clotting. 

Can interfere with medications

Because of its effects on your bowels, aloe vera can interfere with the absorption of any medication. It can also affect diabetes and heart medications. Taking aloe vera juice at the same time as diabetes medications that lower your blood sugar can make your blood sugar go too low. 

Aloe vera also lowers potassium levels in your body. Both water pills and a heart medication called digoxin lower your potassium levels, so taking aloe vera at the same time could make your potassium fall too low. 

Might cause kidney or liver problems

High doses of aloe vera latex can cause dehydration and loss of potassium, leading to kidney problems. There are also reports of sudden liver inflammation, called hepatitis, after using aloe vera latex. 

Unsafe during pregnancy

The laxative effect of aloe vera can stimulate your uterus and cause contractions, early labor, or pregnancy loss. You also shouldn’t take aloe vera juice while you’re nursing because there aren’t any studies about how it affects growing babies

Considerations for aloe vera juice

Companies use a lot of different terms to describe aloe vera juice ingredients and products. It’s hard to know what type of product you’re getting, which could cause problems. 

Aloe vera gel or pulp is safe to use on your skin and is a common home remedy for minor burns and skin irritations. Aloe vera gel might be safe to take by mouth for short periods, but too much aloe vera latex can cause severe digestive side effects. If you plan to take aloe vera juice, talk to your doctor and pharmacist first.

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