Fox News

Puberty Definition, Stages, Duration, Signs for Boys & Girls

Puberty in girls and boys facts Boys and girls going through puberty sometimes can have a difficult time transitioning. Puberty is the period of sexual maturation and achievement of fertility. The time when puberty begins varies greatly among individuals; however, puberty usually occurs in girls between the ages of 10 and 14 and between the …

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What Is Lymphedema? Treatment, Therapy, Causes, Symptoms, Pictures

Lymphedema facts Lymphedema is impaired flow of the lymphatic system that causes swollen extremities. Lymphedema is a condition that results from impaired flow of the lymphatic system. Symptoms of lymphedema include swelling in one or more extremities. The swelling may range from mild to severe and disfiguring. Primary lymphedema is present at birth; secondary lymphedema develops as a result of …

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Hepatitis A Vaccine (Havrix, Vaqta): Side Effects & Dosage

What is hepatitis A vaccine? What are the uses for hepatitis A vaccine? Hepatitis A vaccine (Havrix, Vaqta) is used to prevent hepatitis A, a type of liver disease that is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter from contact with food, drinks, or objects which have been contaminated …

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Cipro (ciprofloxacin) Antibiotic Side Effects, Uses, Dosage

What is Cipro? How does it work (mechanism of action)? Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections. It stops the multiplication of bacteria by inhibiting the reproduction and repair of their genetic material (DNA). The FDA approved ciprofloxacin in October 1987. Ciprofloxacin belongs to the fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics. Examples of other antibiotics in the fluoroquinolone class …

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Calamine Lotion for Sunburn, Poison Ivy, & Shingles Relief

What is Topical Calamine Lotion? How does it work (mechanism of action)? Calamine is a mixture of zinc oxide and other components. Calamine and zinc oxide are topical anti-itch lotions. Although the exact mechanism of how calamine and zinc oxide work is not known, they have skin protecting and astringent properties that relieve itching. They also seem to slow down …

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Benign Uterine Growths: Symptoms, Treatments & Causes

What are uterine growths? Readers Comments 1 Share Your Story Illustration of the female reproductive system Uterine growths are tissue enlargements of the female womb (uterus). Uterine growths can be caused by either harmless or dangerous conditions. Growths are sometimes referred to medically as masses or tumors. An example of a harmless (benign or non-cancerous) growth, which does not pose …

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Chewing Tobacco Health Effects (Cancer Facts, How to Quit)

Chewing tobacco facts Chewing tobacco contains nicotine and many known cancer-causing substances. Smokeless, snuff, or chewing tobacco contains nicotine as well as many known carcinogens (cancer-causing substances). More nicotine is absorbed by chewing tobacco than by smoking a cigarette. Chewing tobacco use is a risk factor for the development of oral cancers and precancers. Other health risks of chewing tobacco …

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Why Am I So Tired After Surgery? Here Are 7 Reasons

Postsurgical fatigue introduction When you are tired after surgery, your body is telling you to rest. Patients often question why they are so tired after surgery. Many patients think that because they have been “put to sleep with anesthesia” that they should be refreshed and have more energy as they recover from their surgery. However, the tired feeling (fatigue) after …

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How Long Is a Cold or Flu Contagious?

How long is a cold or flu contagious? Discover how long a common cold and the flu are contagious. Both colds and the flu are contagious and are caused by viruses. However, the viruses that cause colds (for example, rhinoviruses) are not the same as those that cause the flu (influenza viruses). Although the typical incubation period for influenza is …

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18 Heat Stroke Symptoms & Signs, Treatment & Prevention

Heat stroke facts Readers Comments 1 Share Your Story Heat stroke can be fatal. Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia in which the body temperature is elevated dramatically. Heat stroke is a medical emergency and can be fatal if not promptly and properly treated. The cause of heat stroke is an elevation in body temperature, often accompanied by dehydration. …

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