Fox News

What Is the Most Effective Treatment for COVID-19?

Depending on a person’s symptoms, the most effective treatment for COVID-19 may range from rest and hydration to oxygen therapy and ventilation. The treatment for COVID-19 is individualized as per the person’s symptoms, co-morbidities, and inflammatory markers in the blood. For mild signs and symptoms, adequate rest and hydration and symptomatic treatment to reduce fever …

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What Health Problems Affect Your Hair?

Health problems that affect your hair include medication effects, scalp infections, alopecia, telogen effluvium, lupus, psoriasis, thyroid disorders, malnutrition, syphilis, and hormone imbalances. Hair loss or changes to hair can cause severe emotional distress. Hair plays a vital role in appearance and self-esteem, so suddenly losing hair can be devastating. If you have unexplained hair changes, your first instinct might …

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What Is the Most Common Cause of Nephrotic Syndrome?

The most common causes of nephrotic syndrome include genetics, viral infections, drugs, and herbal supplements, as well as secondary to many diseases. Nephrotic syndrome is a complex syndrome that affects the kidneys. If left untreated, it may lead to kidney failure. Characteristics of nephrotic syndrome include: Proteinuria: Loss of proteins (albumin) in the urine Hypoproteinemia: Low level of proteins (albumin) …

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How Can Colon Cancer Be Avoided? Foods to Avoid, Early Symptoms

Appropriate lifestyle management, such as eating a proper diet, and regular colon cancer screening could help prevent colon cancer. According to studies, appropriate lifestyle management and regular colon cancer screening could help prevent colon cancer. Proper nutrition and diet are important to prevent many diseases, including colon or rectal cancer. There is no such thing as a cancer prevention diet, …

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What Is the Difference Between Acid Reflux and Silent Reflux?

What is acid reflux? Silent reflux is a lesser-known form of acid reflux that can bring on various symptoms not typical of acid reflux. The difference between acid reflux and silent acid reflux is that acid reflux results in acid traveling back up the esophagus whereas with silent reflux acid moves into the pharynx, larynx, or voice box. Acid reflux …

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What Causes Pain in the Pectoral Muscles?

What are pectoral muscles? The pectorals are four muscles that lie paired on either side of your chest. Pectoral muscle pain can arise from several causes, limiting arm movements and reducing function. It is necessary to differentiate chest pain caused by pectoral muscles from other causes of chest pain.  Pectoral muscle pain causes have different levels of severity. Some conditions …

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What Causes Blisters on My Tongue and How Do I Get Rid of Them?

Causes of tongue blisters Blisters on the tongue can form due to hot beverages or crunchy foods. They may also be due to something more serious, such as an infection or an imbalance in your body. The cause of tongue blisters depends on their types. Sometimes, if the tongue blister is not treated on time, it can also infect other …

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What Are the Signs of Male Menopause?

Is male menopause real? Andropause is the name used to refer to the symptoms men get when going through male menopause. Men usually go through a phase of hormonal changes later in their lives, just like women. This is called andropause or male menopause. Andropause is the name used to refer to the symptoms men get when going through menopause. …

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What Does It Mean When Your Hemoglobin A1C Is High?

How does the hemoglobin A1C test work? The hemoglobin A1C is a test that measures your average blood sugar for the past three months. If your hemoglobin A1C is high it could mean that you are prediabetic or diabetic. The hemoglobin A1C is a test that measures your average blood sugar for the past three months. This test goes by …

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What Are the Benefits of Cayenne Pepper? 13 Potential Benefits

Although research is limited regarding the health benefits of cayenne pepper, here are 13 potential benefits of including it in your diet Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum) contains the compound capsaicin, which is present in other types of peppers such as bell pepper, chilis, and jalapenos. Cayenne pepper is loaded with antioxidants called polyphenols, which protect cells from damage. Cayenne pepper …

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