Fox News

What Is a Colpectomy?

Colpectomy is a surgical procedure that closes the vaginal opening completely. Colpectomy is a surgical procedure that closes the vaginal opening completely. The surgery is usually used to treat uterus prolapse (cystocele, rectocele, or enterocele) in women. In prolapse, the muscles of the pelvic floor, which support the uterus and other pelvic organs, weaken. This …

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What Does Radical Hysterectomy Mean?

Hysterectomy is a surgery for the removal of the uterus. Hysterectomy is a surgery for the removal of the uterus. Depending on whether there is the removal of other organs or tissues, hysterectomy may be of different types. Radical hysterectomy is a surgery that involves the removal of the entire uterus along with its supporting tissues, cervix (the neck of …

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What Causes Shoulder Dystocia?

Shoulder dystocia occurs in about three to seven out of every 100 women in the United States. Shoulder dystocia is a medical emergency condition during the delivery in which the baby’s shoulder gets stuck inside the womb after its head passes through the vaginal canal. This is usually caused when the baby’s body is wider as compared to the mother’s …

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What Causes a Breech Baby?

A breech position that the baby’s position inside the uterus is such that his feet or buttocks are near the uterine mouth. A breech position or breech baby means that the baby’s position inside the uterus is such that his feet or buttocks are near the uterine mouth. The baby generally has enough room inside the uterus to change its …

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Ventricular Septal Defect Types, Treatment & Symptoms

Ventricular septal defect facts A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is the most common form of congenital heart disease. VSD is a hole in the wall (septum) separating the ventricles of the heart. VSD is the most common type of heart malformation present at birth (congenital heart disease). VSD lets blood shunt from the left ventricle to the right ventricle. VSD …

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Symptoms of Hypereosinophilic Syndrome

Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) is a rare disease Hypereosinophilic syndrome commonly affects the skin, heart, lung, and gastrointestinal tract (gut). However, every part of the body is vulnerable to the disease. The following signs and symptoms may be observed: Skin: There may be rashes and eczema-like symptoms. Lung symptoms: Wheezing, cough, breathlessness, and asthma attacks that do not respond to regular …

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How to Get Rid of Dandruff: Causes, Treatment, Shampoo & Symptoms

Dandruff facts Dandruff, or scalp seborrhea, is often caused by a fungus but also can have autoimmune or other origins. Dandruff is produced when the skin of the scalp exfoliates excessively. The white dusty flakes of material in the hair and on the shoulders are fragments of the superficial stratum corneum. Lack of shampooing can enhance dandruff by allowing flakes …

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How Long Does It Take to Go Into Labor After Being Induced?

The time taken to go into labor after being induced varies and can take anywhere between a few hours up to two to three days. In most healthy pregnancies, labor usually starts spontaneously between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. The onset of labor is characterized by softening and opening of the cervix, following which the uterus starts contracting and …

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How Painful Is Colposcopy?

Colposcopy is a simple procedure that takes less than 10 minutes. The procedure is typically not painful. It does not require local or regional anesthesia. Slight discomfort may be felt when a speculum is inserted into the vagina, which can be minimized by deep breathing during the procedure. You may feel a sting when the cervix is washed with a …

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How Long Is the Surgery for Ectopic Pregnancy?

How long is the surgery for ectopic pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy surgery may take 30 minutes to 2 hours. Ectopic pregnancy surgery can be either laparoscopic (via camera and smaller cuts) or via laparotomy (surgery by opening the belly). If the physician prefers laparoscopic surgery, it will take about 30 minutes to 1 hour. However, if the physician chooses laparotomy, it …

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