Fox News

Side Effects of Nutritional Yeast

What is nutritional yeast? Eating nutritional yeast rarely causes side effects. Nutritional yeast is deactivated yeast, meaning the yeast cells are killed while being processed and the inactive yeast is the final product. It is generally available in powdered form or as flakes. It has a nutty and cheesy flavor making it a popular vegan …

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How Long Is COVID-19 Patient Contagious for?

How contagious a person is may vary, but there is no test to accurately determine how contagious a person could be or if one person is more contagious than another. People infected with COVID-19 can still be contagious even when they stop feeling sick, so precautionary measures should continue for at least 2 weeks after symptoms disappear and until the …

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How Do You Eat Sardines?

Sardines provide a variety of health benefits include heart-healthy omega-3, lowest levels of mercury, calcium, and vitamin D, and a healthy diet options for pregnant women. Sardines taste best when they are freshly caught from the wild. Following are some of the best ways to eat them: Grilled sardines sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil Grilled sardines on whole-grain …

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What Causes Fragile X Syndrome?

What causes fragile X syndrome? Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition that leads to developmental delays and other problems. Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disorder. It is passed down from parents to their children. A genetic disorder means the genes of either parent are faulty. A gene is the basic unit of transfer of characteristics from parents …

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How Long Does an Electrophysiology Study Take?

How long does an electrophysiology study take? An electrophysiology study takes between one and four hours to complete. An electrophysiology (EP) study is a test performed to determine the cause of abnormal heart rhythm and it usually takes about one to four hours to complete. However, it may take longer if additional treatments such as catheter ablation are performed at …

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Why Would A Newborn Need A Ventilator?

What is assisted ventilation of the newborn? Some babies may have trouble breathing. Respiratory distress or failure may be the result of underdeveloped lungs or a congenital condition. The mechanical ventilator provides oxygen until the baby can breathe unassisted. Assisted ventilation of the newborn is a procedure to assist and stabilize a newborn’s breathing until the baby’s respiratory system starts …

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What Is the Purpose of a Nephrostomy Tube?

The nephrostomy tube continuously drains the urine from the body into a urine drainage bag. A nephrostomy tube is placed to drain urine from the kidneys when there is a blockage to the flow of urine. The urine is produced by the kidneys and flows through an intricate network of tiny tube-like structures in the kidneys (tubules) to reach the …

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What Is a Cystography Test?

Cystography is the radiological examination of the bladder Cystography is the radiological examination of the bladder and cystourethrography in the radiological evaluation of the bladder and urethra. The technique involves the introduction of contrast into the bladder through the urethra with the help of a catheter, helping the doctor visualize anatomic defects and other pathologies. Cystourethrography may be advised to …

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What Is a Catheter Ablation Procedure?

Catheter ablation or cardiac ablation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure Catheter ablation or cardiac ablation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to treat abnormal heart rhythms. During this procedure, the doctor may destroy tiny areas in the heart that are firing off abnormal electrical impulses and causing abnormal heart rhythms. The patient may be given local or general anesthesia …

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What Does A Heel Stick Test For?

What is a heel stick? The heel stick test for newborns is a quick prick on the heel of the baby using a lancet. This is the least traumatic way to draw blood from infants for routine testing. Heel stick is the most common and minimally invasive method to draw capillary blood from an infant for medical testing. Capillaries are …

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