Fox News

How Do You Get Rid of Fordyce Spots? How to Prevent

There are several treatments to get rid of Fordyce spots, including natural remedies and other medical treatments. Fordyce spots are harmless, small, slightly elevated, yellowish, or white papules that appear on the underarm area, pubic area, or around the nipples. Fordyce spots may also appear inside the cheeks and on the border of the lips. …

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How Do You Get Rid of Ants Inside the House? 20 Tips

What is the best home remedy to get rid of ants? Ants have their nests outside around the home. Ants tend to enter the home by following a chemical trail to the food that is found by their nestmate. The first step for getting rid of ants is by eliminating things that attract them. Avoiding attractants over pesticides may have …

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How Do You Cure the Flu Quickly? 13 Home Remedies

Flu cannot be prevented entirely; however, these 11 tips may help. Flu or influenza is a common viral disease affecting the respiratory system. This infectious disease is caused by the influenza virus. Most cases of flu are self-limiting and can be easily managed at home. Some cases, especially in infants and young children, older individuals, people with underlying health conditions, …

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How Do You Bring Down a Fever? 5 Tips

During a fever, the body temperature rises to 100.4° Fahrenheit. Flu may be the most common cause of fever. Fever is one of the most effective mechanisms that our body uses for fighting infections. The average body temperature is 98.6° Fahrenheit, but it may vary from person to person. During a fever, the body temperature rises to 100.4° Fahrenheit. Flu …

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How Do Fibroids Affect Pregnancy?

What Are Fibroids? Fibroids occur in roughly 20% of women of childbearing age. During pregnancy, fibroids can increase the risk of premature delivery or miscarriage by affecting the baby’s position in the uterus. Fibroids occur in roughly 20% of women of childbearing age. They are growths that are made up of muscle tissue and are found in the uterus. Fibroids …

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How Can I Treat My Hair Fall at Home?

Dry hair can be brittle and cause hair breakage as well as hair shedding. Treating hair loss at home involves understanding the potential reason for the hair fall or hair thinning. Ask yourself a few things first: Is my hair dry? Do I have dandruff? Do I tie my hair too tightly? Am I taking a nutrient-rich diet for my …

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How Can I Treat My Child’s Asthma at Home? 8 Steps

In case of the usual asthma attacks, the pediatrician may ask you to use medicated inhalations delivered through a metered-dose inhaler, nebulizer, and dry powder inhalers. Treatment of a child’s asthma involves following an action plan developed in consultation with your child’s pediatrician. Severe asthmatic attacks require immediate medical attention and treatment at the hospital. Never take asthma lightly! In …

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How Can I Reduce My Belly Fat?

Belly fat tips Reducing belly fat seems to be an arduous task. Reducing belly fat seems to be an arduous task. Poor lifestyle, genetics, hormones, and medications often shows its impact on our weighing scales. There are no spot reduction techniques for losing just the belly fat. However, with these helpful home remedies, slow and steady inch loss is possible. …

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How Can I Make My Hair Soft and Silky? 15 Tips

Your hair may become dry and brittle if your diet is not healthy or if you use hair products that are not meant for your hair type. The signs of healthy hair include thick, soft, and shiny hair. Having silky hair is something not every person is born with. Your hair may become dry and brittle if your diet is …

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How Can I Get Rid of Back Spasms?

How can I get rid of back spasms? Back spasms are painful, but you can do things to relieve the pain. When your back is stiff or weak, it becomes prone to injury. While most muscle spasms in your back are harmless and can be treated effectively, some indicate that there is an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. …

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