Fox News

What Homemade Remedy Can You Use for Under Eye Puffiness?

What is under eye puffiness? Under eye puffiness is a common condition you can try to treat at home. Puffiness and darkening of the skin under the eyes (dark circles) are common and create cosmetic concerns. It occurs on both sides. If these features are only seen on one side, it requires immediate medical attention …

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What Reduces Cholesterol Quickly? 4 Lifestyle Changes & Charts

How to reduce cholesterol Modifying your diet to a more heart-friendly one. High blood cholesterol levels can be managed to a great extent with lifestyle changes. However, not taking medicine isn’t a solution because only lifestyle changes may not be sufficient to treat high cholesterol levels. Some of the four lifestyle changes may help to lower the dose of the …

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What Is the Best Thing to Put on Fire Ant Bites? 10 Home Remedies

About 5% of the cases of fire ant bites may be fatal. The sting feels like a sharp pain and burns. Fire ants are one of the most aggressive insects found all over the world. They don’t bite but sting and it burns, hence their name. These ants are dark reddish-brown in color and nest in soil or the landscaping …

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What Is the Best Drink to Flush Your System?

What is the best drink to flush your system? Detox drinks may include lemon, mint, cucumber, aloe vera, chia seeds and other foods. Every year, we witness a new fad or concept coming up with various claims of boosting health or increasing longevity. Although practiced in various forms for centuries, detoxification or detox diet and procedures have become quite popular …

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What Home Remedy Is Good for Ant Bites?

Various home remedies may help treat ant bites instantly. Various home remedies may help treat ant bites instantly. Some of the good home remedies for effective treatment of ant bites include: Washing the area with soap and running water Ants use their jaws to bite; hence, brushing them off your body with a towel or cloth is the best remedy …

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What Helps a Child Stop Vomiting?

In most cases, vomiting may resolve without specific medical treatment. In most cases, vomiting may resolve without specific medical treatment. Always seek a doctor’s permission before giving an over the counter (OTC) medicine to treat vomiting. Some of the home remedies for treating vomiting include: Give some rest to the child’s stomach: Refrain from feeding the child 30-40 minutes after …

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What Causes Blisters on Lips?

What are blisters on lips? Blisters on the lips can be caused by accidentally biting your lips, burning your lips with a hot surface or food, brushing your teeth too vigorously, or getting infected by a virus. Blisters on lips can be caused by many different things and can range from mild to very serious. You can get blisters by …

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What Can I Use for Dry Cracked Feet?

What can I use for dry cracked feet? You can treat dry cracked feet at home. Your feet seldom get the care and attention they deserve. Your feet carry your weight and help you move around and they often bear a lot of rough treatment. Foot care is very important because the skin on the feet is different from the …

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What Are the Warning Signs of Pancreatitis?

What is pancreatitis? The primary symptom of pancreatitis is upper abdominal pain that may spread to your back. Additional symptoms may include fever, nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, and cough. In the United States, acute pancreatitis is one of the most common reasons people with gastrointestinal problems are admitted to the hospital. Pancreatitis is an inflammation …

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How Long Does it Take to Pass a Kidney Stone?

What are kidney stones? It can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks for a kidney stone to pass. If you've been trying to pass your kidney stone for close to six weeks, seek medical attention. Kidney stones are small hard objects that form from minerals found in your urine. Normally, your body disposes of these minerals through …

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