Fox News

How Do You Get Rid of Laryngitis Quickly?

What is laryngitis?  Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx. Get rid of laryngitis with the help of steroids, antibiotics, a humidifier and home care, depending on the underlying cause. The area that houses your vocal cords is known as your larynx. It is located above the airway to your lungs. This is where laryngitis occurs. …

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How Do You Get Rid of Keratosis Pilaris?

What is keratosis pilaris?  Keratosis pilaris is a condition that causes white or red bumps on the skin. You get rid of keratosis pilaris by moisturizing, exfoliating and using laser treatments. Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that looks like tiny white or red pimples covering an area of your skin. The pimples are dry and may feel like sandpaper. …

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How Do You Fix a Herniated Disc?

What causes a herniated disc? A herniated disc occurs when a spinal disc protrudes through a casing in the spine. You fix a herniated disc with home care, alternative therapies, medications and surgery. A herniated disc is a painful condition that can also contribute to numbness or weakness. This condition can occur naturally over time due to degeneration or suddenly …

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How Do I Get Rid of Varicose Veins?

What are varicose veins? Varicose veins are swollen twisted veins that occur on the back of the legs. You get rid of varicose veins with lifestyle changes, compression therapy, medications or surgery. Varicose veins are swollen veins that are twisted. They may occur at the back of your legs or they can exist as hemorrhoids in your anus. Varicose veins …

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Why Is My White Blood Cell Count High?

What are white blood cells? White blood cells, also known as leukocytes, make up one of the four components of blood. They can rise for several reasons including stress, smoking, allergies, bacterial or viral infections, as well as certain drugs. White blood cells, also called leukocytes, are one of the four components that make up blood. Of all the blood …

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What Relieves Bloating Fast?

What Is bloating? Bloating is an uncomfortable belly feeling of being too full from food or air. Bloating usually resolves on its own after digestion and any gas that has passed. However, there are some medications and over-the counter food additives that can relieve symptoms faster than your body's normal processes. Bloating is that uncomfortable feeling when your belly seems …

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What Is the Purpose of Urea?

Urea has some medicinal uses. Urea has some medicinal uses. It has been used as one of the ingredients in topical creams that help hydrate the skin. Skin hydration is the mainstay of therapy in many conditions in which there is excessive dryness of the skin. Urea-containing creams are used in the treatment of: Psoriasis Xerosis (abnormally dry skin, more …

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What Is the Formula to Calculate BMR?

The formula for basal metabolic rate (BMR) is different for men and women The formula for basal metabolic rate (BMR) is different for men and women: Harris-Benedict formula: Male BMR formula: 66 + (6.23 × weight in pounds) + (12.7 × height in inches) − (6.8 × age in years) Example: If you're 170 lbs, 5'11", and 43 years, your …

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What Is the Fastest Way To Cure Heel Pain?

How do you get heel pain? Heel pain can be caused by abnormalities in your walking gait that stress the heel bone and the soft tissues attached to it. The fastest way to cure heel pain involves diagnosing and treating the cause of the problem whether it is due to plantar fasciitis, heel spurts or other problems. Your feet are …

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What Is the Fastest Way To Cure Erectile Dysfunction?

What is erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction is an inability to maintain an erection. The fastest way to cure erectile dysfunction is to attend to heart and vascular health, psychological health and to use other treatments. Formerly known as impotence, erectile dysfunction (ED) is the ongoing inability to have an erection that is hard enough for penetration. Another symptom is an …

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