Fox News

Can I Get HIV From Casual Contact Like Hugging or Touching?

What is HIV? Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks and weakens the immune system. Presently, there is no cure for HIV, but with proper treatment, people with HIV can lead a healthy and long life. If untreated, HIV can progress to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is characterized by a severely weakened immune system that leads …

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What Is a Monoclonal Antibody for COVID-19?

Monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 are lab-produced antibodies that can prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus from attaching to cells The FDA has issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for the treatment of COVID-19 under specific conditions. Antibodies are proteins produced by a type of immune cells (B cells) in the body that attack harmful cells in response to …

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What Are Immunity/Wellness Shots and Do They Work?

About immunity shots Immunity shots go by many names: wellness shots, functional beverages, and immunity support drinks, to name a few. Wellness shots are gaining popularity as many people look for ways to boost their digestive health and immune systems. Immunity shots get their name from their healthful ingredients and the size of the beverages. Most ingredients are ones that …

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Is It Normal to Have Side Effects After the Second COVID-19 Vaccine?

As with any immunization, it is normal to have side effects after receiving your COVID-19 vaccine, irrespective of the dose As with any immunization, it is normal to have side effects after receiving your COVID-19 vaccine, irrespective of the dose. The most common side effects include: Pain at the site of injection Fatigue Headache Body aches Fever Severe adverse effects …

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Can You Become Paralyzed From Herniated Disc Surgery?

Paralysis is one of the rarest of all potential complications (1 in 10,000) of herniated disc surgery Herniated disc surgery can sometimes cause numbness or weakness in one or both legs. Paralysis is one of the rarest of all potential complications (1 in 10,000) of herniated disc surgery.  While extremely rare, paralysis or nerve injuries can occur due to damage …

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Is Fever a Symptom of COVID-19?

Fever is a symptom of COVID-19, although not everyone presents with fever. Learn about other COVID-19 symptoms and what to do if you are infected COVID-19 is caused by the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus, which initially causes mild flu-like symptoms and can later progress to severe, life-threatening symptoms that affect the lungs. Fever is a symptom of COVID-19 because fever is …

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How Do You Treat Atrioventricular Canal Defect?

The only definitive treatment for children with atrioventricular canal defect is surgical repair. Learn more about atrioventricular canal defect treatment An atrioventricular canal defect is a congenital heart defect that results in a hole in the center of the heart, between the chambers. The defect causes extra blood to flow to the lungs and strains the heart, causing the heart …

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What Are the Causes of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and How Do You Fight It?

Symptoms of seasonal affective disorder Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression linked to the seasons. It's most common during fall and winter. People with seasonal affective disorder experience mood changes and other symptoms of depression like fatigue and loss of interest in normal activities. The condition fades when the weather changes again.  Seasonal affective disorder can be treated. …

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How Often Should a Woman Get a Pelvic Exam and Pap Test?

What is a pelvic exam and Pap test? A pelvic exam and Pap test are cancer prevention screenings performed during a visit to your gynecologist to check for abnormalities or gynecological cancers. These tests are important to have done, as they can detect issues early — when they're most treatable.   Previously, gynecologists recommended getting a pelvic exam and Pap …

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How Often Should You Poop?

How many bowel movements should you have per day? Pooping, otherwise known as defecation or bowel movements, is something everyone must do. It is the end result of digestion. Whatever your body can't use as nutrition gets expelled through your bowels. Healthy bowel habits are an important component of good health. According to experts, it's normal to have bowel movements …

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