Fox News

How Long Do You Live With NAFLD? Survival Rates

Most people live a long life with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, NAFLD may reduce life expectancy by about 4.2 to 4.4 years Most people live a long life with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However: 30% of people develop an inflamed liver or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and scarring 20% of people with scarring …

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What Age Group Is the Most Suicidal? Risk Factors, Prevention

The highest suicide rates are seen among teenagers and young adults between the ages of 10 to 35 years old. Suicide is causing fatal self-injury to take one’s own life to escape from pain or suffering.  Suicide is seen among all age groups, but the highest suicide rates are seen among teenagers and young adults aged between 10 and 35 …

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What Makes a Person a Hypochondriac?

Hypochondria, also known as hypochondriasis or illness anxiety disorder, is a condition that involves obsession and intense worrying about your health. Hypochondria, also known as hypochondriasis or illness anxiety disorder, is a condition that involves obsession and intense worrying about your health. Hypochondria has a variety of causes and treatments. What is hypochondria? Hypochondria is an anxiety disorder. It involves …

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Which Hormones Help You Lose Weight?

Some major hormones in the body like thyroid, estrogen, and testosterone are associated with weight gain or loss. If you are able to correct hormonal imbalances, you may see a significant reduction in your body weight. Hormones play a key role in weight management.  When they are out of balance, it can result in weight gain or make it difficult …

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What Happens If You Leave a Hemorrhoid Untreated?

If you have mild hemorrhoids, leaving them alone can be fine. The swelling and discomfort will usually go away within a few days. Occasionally, though, there may be complications related to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable problem that many people have. These painful inflammations in the anus can be itchy and painful. Most of the time, you can safely manage …

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How Long Does It Take to Recover From Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Most people report recovering within 5 days to 3 weeks after laser skin resurfacing treatment, although healing time varies depending on certain factors Laser resurfacing (also called a laser peel, laser vaporization, and lasabrasion) is a cosmetic procedure used to provide a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance to the skin. The procedure removes superficial skin layers, stimulating the formation of …

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What Are the Five Most Important Hormonal Imbalances to Be Aware Of?

Common hormone imbalances The five most important hormonal imbalances are diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, polycystic ovary syndrome, and hypogonadism. Hormonal imbalances are typically caused by problems with your endocrine system. This system is composed of eight major glands in various locations around your body. These glands produce hormones — chemical messengers that travel throughout your body in your …

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Should You Take CoQ10 Every Day?

What is CoQ10? CoQ10, short for coenzyme Q10, is a compound that’s naturally found in your body. CoQ10 is generally well-tolerated with very few side effects and is safe to take, but since lots of studies show that CoQ10 supplements might not have any benefit unless you have a health problem, it’s likely best to get it naturally from food. …

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Is Aarskog-Scott Syndrome a Genetic Disorder? Symptoms, Prognosis

Aarskog-Scott syndrome is a rare X-linked genetic disorder that is caused by a genetic mutation in the FGD1 gene. Aarskog-Scott syndrome, also called Aarskog disease or Aarskog syndrome (AAS), is an extremely rare X-linked genetic disorder. The term "X-linked" means that the defective gene causing this condition is located on the X chromosome. This condition is caused by a genetic …

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Is Bed Rest Required After Normal Delivery? 12 Tips for Recovery

Although bed rest may not be necessary, it is important to rest as much as possible after normal delivery. Here are 12 tips for fast recovery after childbirth Although bed rest may not be necessary, it is important to rest as much as possible after normal delivery. Pregnancy and childbirth can be overwhelming physically, mentally, and emotionally, and you need …

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