Fox News

What Is the Root Cause of a Hiatal Hernia?

What causes a hiatal hernia? A hiatal hernia is the bulging of the stomach through the muscle separating your diaphragm and abdomen. A hiatal hernia can be present at birth, or can develop over time and it develops after constant straining to the abdominal region. Some kids have “innies” — some kids have “outies.” Does …

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Where Does Bacterial Meningitis Come From?

Bacterial meningitis is characterized by inflammation around your brain and spinal cord that leads to dangerous — and sometimes deadly — pressure in this area. Bacterial meningitis comes from person-to-person contact with an infected person. Bacterial meningitis is a disease that affects your central nervous system. It’s characterized by inflammation around your brain and spinal cord that leads to dangerous …

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What Does the Beginning of a Kidney Infection Feel Like?

Additional symptoms from a UTI Kidney infections are always caused by a pathogen in your organs. The beginning of a kidney infection may produce back pain, fever, chills, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Your kidneys are a pair of organs located in the middle of your back, just below your ribs. Their primary function is to filter …

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What Can Black Mold Do to You Mentally?

What is black mold? Black mold is the common name for Stachybotrys chartarum. The mental effects of black mold include irritability, fatigue, concentration problems, sleep problems, lightheadedness, and headache. Black mold is a common issue in homes and workplaces, though it is not the only fungal growth in buildings. Like all mold, black mold poses health risks to people and …

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How Do You Treat Occult Blood in Stool? 9 Causes

Treatment of occult blood in the stool depends on the underlying cause. Learn about 9 causes and how they are treated Occult blood in the stool may not be visible to the eye but can be detected in a fecal occult blood test (FOBT), also called stool occult test or hemoccult test. However, the test is not diagnostic because it …

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Is My Muscle Pulled or Strained?

A pulled muscle is sometimes used as a colloquial term for a strain of moderate severity. A muscle becomes strained when it’s twisted, pulled, or torn in two. In some respects, it’s a bit of a trick question to ask if your muscle is pulled or strained because a pulled muscle is a version of a strained muscle.  A pulled …

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How Do I Treat Dry Skin on My Face? 10 Home Remedies

10 simple ways to treat dry skin Here are 10 simple ways to help heal and soothe dry skin and prevent recurrences. Here are 10 simple ways to help heal and soothe dry skin and prevent recurrences: Limit baths and showers Use lukewarm water to bathe or shower instead of hot water Limit time in the shower to 5 to …

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Do I Need a Tetanus Shot for a Small Scratch? Vaccine Side Effects

You need a tetanus shot for a small scratch if your tetanus immunization is not up to date and the injury caused a break in your skin. If your tetanus immunization is not up to date and the injury caused a break in your skin, you need a tetanus shot even if it is a small scratch or scrape. Thus, …

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Can Congestion Be the Only Symptom of COVID-19?

Congestion can be the only symptom of COVID-19 in some cases. Yes, congestion can be the only symptom of COVID-19 in some cases. The disease can present with a variety of symptoms that may range from mild to severe. The symptoms of COVID-19 may include: Runny or stuffy nose Fever Cough Sore throat Changes in taste or smell Headache Bodyache …

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What Happens If You Don’t Take the Second Shot of the COVID-19 Vaccine?

If you don’t take the second shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, you will not reach full immunity and will be at higher risk of contracting the virus If you don’t take the second shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, you will not reach full immunity against the virus and will be at higher risk of contracting the disease. According to the …

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