Fox News

How Long Does an Oral Biopsy Take to Heal?

The time it takes to heal from an oral biopsy ranges from 2-3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the location and type of biopsy done The time it takes to heal from an oral biopsy ranges from 2-3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the location and type of biopsy done: If the biopsy …

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Do You Sleep More Deeply When Pregnant?

When you are pregnant, you tend to sleep more but not as deeply. Many pregnant women experience poor quality sleep and wake up frequently throughout the night When you are pregnant, you tend to sleep more but not as deeply. Many pregnant women experience poor quality sleep and wake up frequently throughout the night.  Even if you are getting enough …

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How Do You Handle a Newborn Baby?

It's an essential parenting skill: confidently and securely carrying your newborn baby. It's an essential parenting skill: confidently and securely carrying your newborn baby. Human babies are born with poor muscle tone, vision, and reflexes. Your baby depends on you for socialization, nutrition, and almost everything else. It's important you know how to handle and carry your baby safely while …

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Is Lupus and Lupus Anticoagulant the Same?

What is lupus anticoagulant? Lupus is an autoimmune condition and lupus anticoagulant refers to antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Lupus and lupus anticoagulant are not the same. Put simply, the answer is no. Lupus and lupus anticoagulant are not the same! If you have lupus, you don’t necessarily have lupus anticoagulant. Lupus anticoagulant is a type of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, not a …

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Is It Normal to Feel Under the Weather? 5 Steps to Recover Faster

It is normal to feel under the weather perhaps one time in two months. It is normal to feel under the weather perhaps one time in two months, and you may not have to see a doctor every time. The term literally means feeling a little sick or tired. You may experience some irritation in your throat or nose or …

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What Are Healthy Alternatives to Soda? 13 Soda Alternatives

Soda can be addicting but bad for your health. Here are 13 healthy alternatives to soda and tips that can help you kick the sugar habit Soda can be addicting, but most people are aware that drinking too much soda can adversely affect their health. Here are 13 healthy alternatives to soda and tips that can help you kick the sugar …

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How Do You Get Energy When You Have Lupus? 6 Ways

If you are struggling with lupus fatigue, there are things you can do to boost your energy levels, such as making dietary changes and exercising regularly Fatigue is the most common symptom of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). If you are struggling with lupus fatigue, there are things you can do to boost your energy levels, such as making dietary changes …

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What Are 18 Ways to Modify Your Eating Habits?

What you eat has a huge impact on your physical and mental health. Here are 18 ways to modify your eating habits and improve your overall well-being What you eat has a huge impact on your physical and mental health. But for many people, living a fast-paced lifestyle can trap you in a vicious cycle of unhealthy eating habits. The …

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What Is the Difference Between Diabetes Insipidus and Diabetes Mellitus?

How does diabetes mellitus affect the body? Diabetes affects the way your body turns food into energy. Diabetes insipidus causes thirst due to dehydration from constant urination while diabetes mellitus causes thirst due to high glucose levels in the blood. The term "diabetes" refers to a group of medical conditions that affect how your body turns food into energy. There …

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How Do You Get Rid of Contact Dermatitis Fast? 4 Home Remedies, Treatment

4 home remedies For mild contact dermatitis, the following simple home remedies can help get rid of the rash fast. Contact dermatitis usually resolves with simple home remedies within two to four weeks if the trigger is also removed. If it does not get better, the doctor will prescribe strong treatments. For mild contact dermatitis, simple home remedies are sufficient …

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