Fox News

How Much Sex Is Safe in First Trimester?

Is sex normal during pregnancy? A decrease in sex drive or an increase in frequency can occur during pregnancy and at differing levels. During all stages of a low-risk pregnancy, sex is safe if you are at low risk for preterm labor, miscarriage, or other complications. If you are pregnant, you may have noticed that …

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How Do You Treat Meckel’s Diverticulum? Diagnosis, Symptoms & Risks

Surgery is the best treatment option for Meckel’s diverticulum because the pouch will not grow back post-surgery. Treatment for Meckel’s Diverticulum is determined by the severity of symptoms. If Meckel's diverticulum is causing pain or bleeding, the doctor may advise the patient to have the diverticulum removed surgically. The treatment of symptomatic Meckel's diverticulum is surgical resection, which might involve …

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How Do You Treat a Cold Sore in Your Nose?

What is a cold sore? Cold sores are a type of blister that may show up clear and then become cloudy. Treat a cold sore under your nose with home remedies, topical creams and ointments, and prescription medications. Cold sores are a type of blister that may show up clear and then become cloudy. Cold sores typically appear outside your …

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How Do You Stop Itching That Won’t Go Away?

You can usually stop severe itching with changes to your personal care habits, home remedies, and over-the-counter medicines. Depending on the cause, you might need to see your doctor and treat the underlying problem. There are many possible causes of itching. Sometimes it’s minor, and you can treat it at home, and sometimes it’s more severe and a symptom of …

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How Do You Know If You Have ADHD as an Adult? Symptoms & Types

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental problem that affects your ability to plan, organize, and focus Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty paying attention and exhibit impulsive behavior, which can lead to the following: Restlessness Disorganization Lack of follow through on projects Unstable relationships Constantly being late Mood swings Although ADHD symptoms typically appear in childhood, about 50% …

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How Do People With Diabetes Heal Sores? 10 Ways

Here are 10 ways to heal sores caused by diabetes, as well as treatment options that can help speed up wound healing If you have diabetes, you are more likely to develop sores that do not heal as quickly as they should. Wound healing is affected by fluctuating blood sugar levels, nerve damage, and poor blood flow associated with diabetes. …

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Does Rh-Negative Blood Affect Pregnancy? Incompatibility Chart

The Rhesus (Rh) factor is a protein found on the surface of the red blood cells (RBCs). When a woman is Rh-negative and her fetus is Rh-positive (because the father is Rh-positive), the woman’s body might produce proteins called “Rh antibodies” after exposure to the baby's red blood cells that can lead to a problem called “Rh incompatibility.” Rh incompatibility …

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Clinical Findings of Humans Infected With HIV: Symptoms & Types

People with HIV who are detected early enough might expect to live a near-normal life. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection can present with a range of symptoms often confused in the initial stages as cold or flu. As a result, the only reliable way to determine whether a person has HIV is to receive an HIV test. Symptoms that a …

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What Scent Will Keep Mice Away? 13 Natural Scents for Rats

These 13 scents repel mice and can help you keep them away from your home naturally. Rodents such as mice have a very keen sense of smell much stronger than humans, and they use their sense of smell to sniff out our food and make themselves right in our homes. The most important approach is to keep your home neat …

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What Level of Magnesium Is Too Low? Deficiency Symptoms & Signs

Magnesium is a mineral that is an essential electrolyte needed for several body functions. The normal adult value for serum magnesium levels is: 1.46 to 2.68 mg/dL 1.5 to 2.5 mEq/L 0.75 to 0.95 mmol/L Magnesium deficiency (Hypomagnesemia) is an electrolyte disturbance caused when there is a low level of serum magnesium in the blood typically less than: 1.46 mg/dL …

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