Are Carrots Keto-Friendly? Nutrition Facts

Are Carrots Keto-Friendly? Nutrition Facts
Learn about how many carbs are in carrots, how they can fit into the keto diet, and what vegetables to avoid on keto

Since carrots contain a moderate amount of carbs—about 6 grams per ½-cup serving—they are allowed only in small quantities on a low-carb high-fat keto diet. Cooking methods also don’t significantly affect their carb content, so they can be eaten both raw and cooked.

Learn about how many carbs are in carrots, how they can fit into the keto diet, and what vegetables to avoid on keto.

How many carbs are in carrots?

Carrots are a great source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants with a very small amount of fat and protein. The water content in carrots ranges from 86%-95%, and the edible portion is made up of about 10% of carbs.

Table: Nutrition facts for one serving of carrots (½ cup) Nutrient Amount


6 grams

2 grams

3 grams

0.5 grams


Vitamin A
509 µg

Vitamin K
8 µg

One serving (½ cup) of carrots can provide up to:

  • 73% of the daily requirement of vitamin A
  • 9% of the daily requirement of vitamin K
  • 8% of the daily requirement of potassium and fiber
  • 5% of the daily requirement of vitamin C
  • 2% of the daily requirement of calcium and iron

What are the health benefits of carrots?

Carrots are versatile root vegetables that are packed with nutrients and lower in sugar and carbs that other tuber vegetables such as potatoes.

Carrots are often ranked low on the glycemic index (GI), ranging from 16-60. Consuming foods with a low GI index is associated with numerous health benefits, especially for people with diabetes:

Always wash carrots thoroughly in water and scrub off any dirt before preparing them to eat raw or cooked. They can be consumed in various ways, ranging from raw sticks dipped in hummus or steaming, boiling, or roasting them as a side dish. They work well in savory dishes, such as beef stew, chicken pot pie, or stir-fry. Pureed carrots make excellent baby food.

What can you eat on a keto diet?

The ketogenic or keto diet is a low-carb (5%-10%), moderate-protein (10%-20%), and high-fat (70%-80%) diet plan that focuses on restricting carbs so that your body burns fat for energy instead of stored carbs.

Carrots can be keto-friendly, but they need to be eaten in moderation since they are higher in carbs than leafy greens and other vegetables.

What are alternatives to carrots?

Some less starchy alternatives to carrots that you can enjoy raw or cooked on a keto diet include:

  • Celery: 2 grams of net carbs per cup
  • Broccoli: 3 grams of net carbs per cup
  • Cauliflower: 3 grams of net carbs per cup

What vegetables to avoid on a keto diet

Based on their net carbs per 100-gram serving, here are some of the vegetables to avoid on a keto diet:

  • Rutabaga (6 grams)
  • Artichoke (6 grams)
  • Celeriac: (6 grams)
  • Onion (8 grams)
  • Peas (9 grams)
  • Beetroot (7 grams)
  • Butternut squash (10 grams)
  • Parsnip (13 grams)
  • Potato (15 grams)
  • Corn (16 grams)
  • Sweet potato (17 grams)
  • Yam (24 grams)
  • Cassava (36 grams)

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