Friday, April 19, 2024
HomeallergiesList of Nasal Decongestants Antihistamines & Side Effects

List of Nasal Decongestants Antihistamines & Side Effects

What are nasal decongestants? What are the uses of nasal decongestants?

Nasal decongestants are used to treat nasal congestion. Nasal decongestants are applied to nasal passages to reduce congestion and discomfort due to allergies and the common cold. Decongestants cause blood vessels in the nasal passages to shrink (vasoconstrict). Vasoconstriction reduces nasal congestion by preventing fluid from draining from blood vessels into the tissues lining the nasal passages.

What are examples of nasal decongestants?

Short-acting nasal decongestants

  • ephedrine (Not available in the U.S.)
  • levmetamfetamine or L-desoxyephedrine (Vicks Vapo Inhaler)
  • naphazoline (Privine)
  • phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine, Little Noses Decongestant Nose Drops, 4-Way Fast Acting)
  • propylhexedrine (Benzedrex Inhaler)

Long-acting decongestants (8 to 12 hours)

  • xylometazoline (Triaminic Decongestant Spray Nasal & Sinus Congestion)
  • oxymetazoline (Afrin, Vicks Sinex, Zicam Nasal Gel)

What are the side effects of nasal decongestants?

Side effects of nasal decongestants include:

What are the formulations available for nasal decongestants?

Nasal decongestants are available as sprays, drops, and inhalers.

What drugs interact with nasal decongestants?

Nasal decongestants decrease levels of intranasal nicotine. They prolong the time to reach peak concentrations and decrease peak concentrations of nicotine intranasal.

Are nasal decongestants safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Intranasal decongestants may be absorbed into the blood stream. They have not been adequately evaluated in pregnant or breastfeeding women. They should only be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding if the benefits outweigh the risks.


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