Sectral (acebutolol): Blood Pressure Drug Side Effects & Dosage

What is Sectral? What are the uses for acebutolol?

What brand names are available for acebutolol?


Is acebutolol available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for acebutolol?


What are the side effects of acebutolol?

Most adverse reactions to Sectral have been mild, not
required discontinuation of therapy, and tended to decrease as the duration of
treatment increases. Adverse events include:

Possible serious side effects include:

With serious adverse events such as shortness of breath or wheezing,
swelling of the feet and lower legs and chest pain, it is advisable to contact a
doctor immediately.


In the U.S., 1 in every 4 deaths is caused by heart disease.
See Answer

What is the dosage for acebutolol?

  • Sectral can be taken with or without food, usually once or twice
  • The dosage of Sectral should be reduced in patients with dysfunction
    of the kidneys or
    liver since kidney or
    liver disease reduce the elimination of

Which drugs or supplements interact with acebutolol?

  • The use of beta blockers together with fenoldopam
    (Corlopam), a drug used to manage severe
    high blood pressure, may result in
    low blood pressure since beta-adrenergic blocking drugs add to the
    blood pressure-lowering effects of fenoldopam.
  • With concomitant use of
    clonidine (Catapres) and beta-adrenergic blocking
    drugs, severe
    high blood pressure may occur if patients abruptly discontinue the
    clonidine. Because of this effect, it is advisable to discontinue
    beta-adrenergic blocking drugs prior to starting clonidine.
  • Using epinephrine (Adrenalin,
    EpiPen) and beta-adrenergic blocking drugs
    together causes high blood pressure and a slow heartbeat since the
    beta-adrenergic stimulating effects of epinephrine that raise blood pressure and
    heart rate are exaggerated by the beta-adrenergic blocking drugs which prevent
    dilation of the blood vessels and increase the heart rate. To avoid this effect,
    it is best not to use both drugs together. If, however, both drugs are
    administered together, it is important to monitor blood pressure levels. Also,
    high blood pressure and a slow heartbeat are less likely to occur if
    beta-adrenergic blocking drugs that are selective for the heart such as atenolol
    (Tenormin) and Sectral (Sectral) are used.
  • Epinephrine- and norepinephrine-depleting drugs, such as
    (Harmonyl), may have an additive effect when given with beta-blocking drugs and
    cause an abnormally slow heart beat or
    low blood pressure, which may give rise
    to dizziness or

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Is acebutolol safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

  • There are no adequate studies of Sectral in
    pregnant women.
    It should be used during
    pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the
    risk to the fetus
  • Sectral is excreted in
    human milk, and use among
    mothers is discouraged.

What else should I know about acebutolol?

What preparations of acebutolol are available?

Capsules: 200 and 400 mg.

How should I keep acebutolol stored?

Capsules should be stored at room temperature, 77 F (25 C), away
from light and moisture.

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