Tag Archives: skin

How Can I Remove Dark Spots at Home Naturally? 9 Home Remedies

Hyperpigmentation can occur in spots, patches, or the entire face and/or body. Melanin is the skin pigment made by cells (melanocytes) present in the skin. It is responsible for the skin color, which may vary with several factors like race and genetics. Skin pigmentation disorders and exposure to the sun can cause changes in skin …

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Why Do I Keep Getting Athlete’s Foot?

What is athlete's foot? Athlete’s foot is a contagious foot infection caused by fungi. These fungi thrive in closed, warm, moist, damp environments such as locker rooms, showers, and swimming pool areas and even moist socks. A scaly rash between the toes stinging, burning, and itching are common for this contagious condition. Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is …

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What Homemade Remedy Can You Use for Under Eye Puffiness?

What is under eye puffiness? Under eye puffiness is a common condition you can try to treat at home. Puffiness and darkening of the skin under the eyes (dark circles) are common and create cosmetic concerns. It occurs on both sides. If these features are only seen on one side, it requires immediate medical attention because it might be due …

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What Can I Use for Dry Cracked Feet?

What can I use for dry cracked feet? You can treat dry cracked feet at home. Your feet seldom get the care and attention they deserve. Your feet carry your weight and help you move around and they often bear a lot of rough treatment. Foot care is very important because the skin on the feet is different from the …

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How Do You Get Rid of Fordyce Spots? How to Prevent

There are several treatments to get rid of Fordyce spots, including natural remedies and other medical treatments. Fordyce spots are harmless, small, slightly elevated, yellowish, or white papules that appear on the underarm area, pubic area, or around the nipples. Fordyce spots may also appear inside the cheeks and on the border of the lips. Fordyce spots are characterized by …

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How Do You Get Rid of Acne Scars Overnight?

How do you get rid of acne scars overnight? Natural treatments can help reduce the appearance of acne scars. Acne breakouts are common and quite frustrating. They may leave scars on the face and can trigger anxiety in teens and adults. Professional treatment of acne scars has shown excellent results but needs six to eight weeks to work. There is …

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What Will Make Bruises Go Away Fast?

What will make bruises go away fast? There are several things you can do to get rid of a bruise faster at home. Bruises are commonly caused due to blunt trauma. When we hit a heavy object, the small blood vessels near the skin surface are broken and they bleed under the skin. The blood then leaks out of the …

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How Can I Make My Skin Tighter?

How can I make my skin tighter? A variety of home remedies and doctor prescribed treatments may help you make your skin tighter. Most people experience sagging skin between the ages of 35 and 40 years old. Sagging skin can be unappealing and result in low self-confidence in most of the population. As we age, the production of proteins that …

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How Do I Know if I Have Hyperhidrosis?

What is hyperhidrosis? If you find yourself sweating excessively even when you’re not very hot, you may have hyperhidrosis. If you find yourself sweating excessively even when you’re not very hot, you may have hyperhidrosis. This condition affects about 3% of the world population. People with hyperhidrosis tend to sweat when they’re at rest and not exerting themselves.This condition is …

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How Can I Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home?

How can I remove facial hair permanently at home? Women can use home remedies to remove unwanted facial hair. Facial hair has always been a concern for women. Some women have very dense facial hair (hirsutism), which may be due to genetic or hormonal conditions. Whatever  the reason, most women are bothered by unwanted facial hair and look for permanent …

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