Tag Archives: pregnancy

When Should You Stop Having Sex While Pregnant?

Is it safe to have sex while pregnant? It's normal for expectant parents to wonder if having sex while pregnant is safe and if they need to take extra precautions. The good news is that for most expectant parents, sex during pregnancy is perfectly safe and can even be beneficial. Pregnancy is an exciting time …

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Can Dead Sperm Be Used for ICSI?

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cannot be done with dead sperm because it will not result in a viable embryo Dead sperm cannot be used for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). While fertilization may be successful, the DNA derived from dead sperm is too degenerated to result in the formation of a viable embryo. What is intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)? ICSI is a …

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How Is Delivery Date Calculated? Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Learn how to estimate your pregnancy due date with these simple calculation methods A healthy pregnancy should last for 280 days or 40 weeks. You can calculate your delivery date using either the date of your last menstrual period (LMP) or the date of conception. How to calculate your delivery date using the date of your LMP An estimated due date …

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How Does Rh-Negative Affect Pregnancy? Complications, Treatment

During pregnancy, an Rh-negative woman develops the risk of Rh incompatibility. Rh factor is a protein present on the surface of the blood cells. The presence of the Rh factor on blood cells deems a person an Rh-positive person, whereas the absence of the factor makes an Rh-negative individual. The factor plays an important role in compatibility, especially during pregnancy …

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What Medications Are Used for FASD? 8 Types of Drugs, Causes

Learn eight types of drugs that may be useful for symptom control in people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). No particular medication has been specifically approved for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) although various medications may help improve certain symptoms. Research has revealed a variety of behavioral and pharmacological treatment modalities for FASDs.  Effective therapies include: Family education Parental …

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What Should I Do Prior to Getting Pregnant? 15 Pre-Pregnancy Tips

Prepare for pregnancy by making the 15 following lifestyle changes to ensure you stay healthy while pregnant. You may start making healthier choices to prepare your body for pregnancy. Preconception care is a fantastic approach to ensure that your pregnancy is as healthy as possible. You may not be pregnant yet, but getting a full preconception checkup is the best …

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Can You Detect a Pregnancy at 1 Week?

Timeline of getting pregnant  Many mothers-to-be are often wondering, how soon can I take a pregnancy test? The best time to take a pregnancy test is on the day you expect to get your period. Many mothers-to-be are often wondering, how soon can I take a pregnancy test? You cannot detect pregnancy at week one since the hormonal changes detected …

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What Stage of Pregnancy Is 26 Weeks? Second Trimester

The 26th week of pregnancy is the week of the second trimester. Learn about how your baby is developing and what changes you may experience during this stage of pregnancy At 26 weeks of pregnancy, you are at the end of the second trimester and almost at the third. Learn about how your baby is developing and what symptoms you may …

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What Every Pregnant Woman Should Have? Pregnancy Checklist

Preparing for pregnancy can help you make your life a little easier while you’re pregnant. You must first take care of yourself before you can care for your new baby. Pregnancy invariably necessitates planning and purchase. As you reflect on the changes in your life and consider the necessary purchases, such as a new crib or a stroller, don't overlook …

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When Do You Need a Target Scan While Pregnant? 3 Objectives

A target scan is one of the most important prenatal ultrasound scans and helps assess the fetus's development and location, and detects any impairments. Target scan is also known as targeted imaging for fetal anomalies scan or fetal anomaly scan. This scan is an important and required prenatal ultrasound screening during the second trimester of pregnancy and is normally done …

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