What are preeclampsia and eclampsia? Preeclampsia can turn into eclampsia without proper monitoring and treatment. Preeclampsia and eclampsia are pregnancy-related, high blood pressure disorders. Preeclampsia is a sudden spike in blood pressure, whereas eclampsia is a more severe case that can include seizures or coma. Preeclampsia can progress into eclampsia without proper monitoring and treatment. …
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What Causes a Molar Pregnancy?
What causes a molar pregnancy? Molar pregnancy is usually caused by a faulty or abnormal fertilization process. Although some studies have linked molar pregnancy with dietary or genetic factors, the real cause of molar pregnancy is still unknown. The exact cause of molar pregnancy is still being researched. However, it should be agreed that molar pregnancy is usually caused by …
Read More »What Should I Expect at 11 Weeks Pregnant?
What should I expect at 11 weeks pregnant? The 11th week of pregnancy is the end of the first trimester. Women may experience nausea and vomiting, mood swings, dizziness and other symptoms during this time. At 11 weeks, you are almost done with the tiring first trimester and are about to enter the second trimester or “golden period” of pregnancy. …
Read More »Shingles and Pregnancy: Symptoms and Treatment
Shingles in pregnancy facts Share Your Story Shingles cause a painful skin rash due to a reactivated varicella zoster virus (VZV) infection, or chickenpox. Drugs safe to use for shingles in pregnancy include antiviral medications and other over-the-counter medications. Shingles is a painful, blistering skin rash that results from reactivation of infection with the varicella zoster virus (VZV), the virus …
Read More »What Are the Signs of Ovulation in a Woman? 6 Ways
How can you tell if you are ovulating? Ovulation is the release of a mature egg or ovum from the ovary. The ovum is released from the ovary and it travels to the tube-like structures called the fallopian tubes. Ovulation generally occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Some of the ways that tell you are ovulating are by …
Read More »What Foods Are Good for Morning Sickness?
What is morning sickness? Foods that are good for morning sickness include foods high in folic acid, ginger, crackers or toast by your bed, eggs, and frequent small meals. Morning sickness typically begins around the sixth week of pregnancy. It can happen at just about any time of the day, not just in the mornings. It often lasts through the …
Read More »How Do You Know If You Have Mastitis?
What is mastitis? Mastitis is an inflammation of breast tissue common in new mothers that are breastfeeding. In addition to significant discomfort or pain, common signs include breast tenderness, lumps in breast tissue, and flu-like symptoms. A common condition among new mothers, mastitis affects approximately 1 in 10 breastfeeding women. It involves the inflammation of breast tissue and is often accompanied …
Read More »How Can I Treat a UTI While Pregnant Without Antibiotics?
What is a UTI in pregnancy? You can treat a UTI while pregnant without antibiotics by staying hydrated, drinking cranberry juice, and consuming ascorbic acid. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect up to 10% of mothers during pregnancy. Studies show that it is the second most common ailment that occurs in pregnant women. UTI symptoms can vary from a bit of …
Read More »How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection While Pregnant?
How common are yeast infections? Yeast infections are caused by a yeast fungus called candida. Most yeast infections can be cured within two weeks with over-the-counter medication. Treating a yeast infection while pregnant can take longer because your medication options are more limited. More than 75 percent of women experience vaginal yeast infections in their lifetime. Yeast infections are the …
Read More »What Is a Positive Beta hCG Level? 2 Types of hCG Tests
What is a positive beta hCG level? A positive beta hCG levels means that you are pregnant. The hCG level depends on how far along a woman is in her pregnancy. A positive beta human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level usually means that you are pregnant. Pregnancy tests detect the hCG hormone in the blood and urine. The beta hCG levels …
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