Tag Archives: heart

Can Angina Lead to a Heart Attack?

What is an angina attack? Angina, or angina pectoris, is a sudden chest pain caused by low blood flow to the heart. It feels like pressure, tightness, or squeezing in the chest.  Angina is a common health condition, but it is hard to differentiate it from other chest pains. If you often feel chest pain …

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What Causes Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea? Heart Failure, Treatment

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) is most commonly associated with heart disease; however, it may also result from respiratory diseases as well. Dyspnea (breathlessness) is a condition mostly associated with respiratory diseases, but paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND)—a type of dyspnea—is most commonly associated with heart diseases. Heart diseases Heart failure: Heart failure or congestive heart failure is a condition in which …

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How Can I Strengthen My Arm and Hand After a Stroke?

A stroke occurs when a part of your brain gets blocked or clogged up for some time. This leads to a deprivation of oxygen in your brain, which can kill blood vessels or cause bleeding. Often, strokes will have quite severe and long-lasting effects. One area such effects can occur is in your upper extremities like your arms or your …

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Can You Have Sex Right After a Heart Attack?

Sex is an integral part of most people's lives. After a heart attack, though, some people may be too shy to ask their doctors when they can resume sexual activity. However, this is a conversation that you must have with your healthcare provider since the timeframe differs from one individual to another.  Generally, it would be best if you took …

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What Is the Difference Between Apical and Radial Pulse?

Apical pulse is felt over the left side of your chest over your heart, whereas radial pulse is felt at your wrist The main difference between apical and radial pulse is that apical pulse is felt over the left side of your chest over your heart, whereas radial pulse is felt at your wrist. The table below outlines the differences …

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What Are the First Signs of a Heart Attack in a Woman?

What is a heart attack? Most people associate heart attacks with chest pain. Some people, especially women, may have a heart attack without chest pain. It's important to know the other signs of a heart attack.  A heart attack happens when a blocked artery prevents blood from reaching your heart. The  arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart can …

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What Foods Are Good to Treat Heart Failure?

What diet should you follow to treat heart failure? Following a heart-healthy diet is one of the most important steps you can take to treat heart disease. If your congestive heart failure is mild to moderate, you may be able to lead a nearly normal life by making important lifestyle changes. These may include exercise and sticking to a healthy …

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Verquvo (vericiguat): Heart Failure Drug Side Effects & Interactions

What is Verquvo (vericiguat), and what is it used for? Verquvo (vericiguat) is a prescription medicine used in adults who are having symptoms of their chronic (long-lasting) heart failure, who have had a recent hospitalization or the need to receive intravenous (IV) medicines and have an ejection fraction (amount of blood pumped with each heartbeat) of less than 45 percent: …

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What Are the Four Main Functions of the Heart? Common Heart Diseases

What is the structure of the human heart? The heart is located beneath the rib cage slightly to the left of the center of the chest between the lungs and above the diaphragm. A healthy adult heart is approximately the size of a closed fist. The valves and chambers of the heart work together to pump oxygen-rich blood to nourish …

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What Is Pulse Pressure and Why Is It Important?

Pulse pressure is the difference between your systolic and diastolic blood pressure numbers and can help determine your risk of heart disease Pulse pressure is the difference between your systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) blood pressure numbers. When you measure your blood pressure, your reading has two numbers: Systolic blood pressure: Pressure exerted by blood against the artery walls as …

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