Tag Archives: digestion

How Do They Fix a Perforated Duodenal Ulcer?

How do they fix a perforated duodenal ulcer? Ulcers can be treated with a surgical procedure called Omental patching. Omental patching is a surgical procedure for treating perforated ulcers. It is also called a Graham patch after the surgeon who first performed this technique. This procedure uses a patch of the omentum to repair the injury …

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Why Is a Spleen Removed in a Distal Pancreatectomy?

What is distal pancreatectomy? A distal pancreatectomy involves surgical resection of the body and tail of the pancreas. A pancreatosplenectomy (pancreaticosplenectomy) or spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy is performed to surgically treat the pancreatic disease of the tail and body. A distal pancreatectomy involves surgical resection of the body and tail of the pancreas with or without splenectomy. There are various surgical …

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What Is a Longitudinal Pancreaticojejunostomy?

What is a longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy (Puestow procedure)? In a longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy (LPJ or Puestow procedure), the surgeon creates an artificial passage connecting the pancreas to the second part of the small bowel (jejunum). A longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy (LPJ or Puestow procedure) is a surgical procedure to create an artificial passage connecting the pancreas to the second part of the small bowel …

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What Are the Differences Between Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy And Hemorrhoidectomy?

What are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lowest part of the rectum and anus. They are also called piles.  Hemorrhoids can be treated by hemorrhoidectomy or stapled hemorrhoidopexy. The most accurate explanation for the development of hemorrhoids is that they appear due to the abnormal sliding of the veins at your bottom because of sustained straining during passing …

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What Is an Ileoanal Anastomosis (J-Pouch) Surgery?

What is an Ileoanal anastomosis (J-pouch) surgery? An ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (J-pouch) is a surgical procedure to restore the stomach and bowel (gastrointestinal) continuity after the surgical removal of the large bowel (the colon and rectum).  An ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (J-pouch) surgery treats the stomach and bowel. Many conditions, including inflammatory diseases, cancer or infection, may necessitate the complete surgical …

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How Do You Replace a Gastrostomy Tube?

What is a gastrostomy tube or G-tube? A gastrostomy tube (G-tube) is a feeding tube that is placed into the abdomen to provide nutrition or medication to the patients who are unable to feed themselves.  A gastrostomy tube (G-tube) feeds nutrition or medication into the abdomen. A G-tube is placed through a small cut in the abdominal wall via a …

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What Is the Omentum?

The omentum is the fatty tissue that secures the intestines and other abdominal organs in place, supplying them with blood along with physically protecting them. The omentum ("policeman of the abdomen") is a double layer of fatty tissue that covers and supports the intestines and organs in the lower abdomen. The omentum comprises the greater omentum which is important storage for fat deposits and the …

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What Is Open and Laparoscopic Resection Rectopexy?

Resection rectopexy, whether open or laparoscopic, is a surgery to repair a prolapsed rectum. Resection rectopexy is one of the surgeries that repair a rectal prolapse. Your rectum is the last part of your intestine which helps in expulsion of the feces out of your anus. Weakness of the muscles that hold the rectum in place may cause it to …

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What Is Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Tumors?

What is liver ablation surgery? Radiofrequency ablation is one of several established methods of destroying liver tumors without removing them surgically. Liver ablation surgery is a procedure that destroys liver tumors without surgically removing them. The technique can be used in people with: Early-stage liver cancer Primary liver tumor that cannot be operated Poor general health and metastatic growths Multiple …

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What Is a Biliary Endoscopic Sphincterotomy?

What is a biliary endoscopic sphincterotomy? A sphincterotomy is a complex procedure that involves the use of an endoscope (a long, thin, flexible tube that has a light and camera at one end) and imaging techniques to manipulate the sphincter of Oddi.  A biliary endoscopic sphincterotomy removes gallstones and bile duct blockages.   A biliary endoscopic sphincterotomy is a procedure …

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