Tag Archives: digestion

What Is the Main Cause of Appendicitis?

What is appendicitis? The cause of appendicitis is not always clear, but it's usually related to viral or bacterial infections, large intestine blockages, inflammatory bowel disease, abdominal trauma, and benign or malignant tumors. The appendix is a small organ located in the lower right of your abdomen. It is joined to your large intestine. While …

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How Do You Know if You Have Malabsorption?

What is malabsorption? Malabsorption is when your body has trouble digesting food and absorbing nutrients. Common symptoms include bloating, weight loss, fatigue, muscle weakness, abdominal discomfort, bad smelling stools, rashes, swollen feet and hands, and nausea and vomiting. Malabsorption refers to poor absorption of nutrients by the intestines. When you are experiencing malabsorption, your body has problems digesting food and …

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How Do I Know if I Have Gallstones?

What are gallstones? Gallstones are small, hard deposits that form in your gallbladder from bile that crystallizes. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, gas, heartburn, diarrhea, and loss of appetite are common symptoms of gallstones. Gallstones are small, hard deposits that form in your gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ that rests under your liver and stores bile. …

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What Relieves Nausea Fast? 10 Tips

Not all types of nausea result in vomiting, but vomiting is often preceded by nausea. Nausea is the feeling that you are soon going to throw up! Your salivary secretions increase, you feel heaviness in your chest and throat, and you feel like throwing up. We all feel uncomfortable when we are sick, and nausea goes a notch higher in …

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What Can Help Baby’s Stomachache?

A baby with stomach pain may have the following signs and symptoms the baby is grumpy or fussy and more. When a baby has a stomachache or stomach pain, it can cause significant discomfort, making it difficult for the baby to sleep or rest. Knowing the cause of the pain can help determine if the child requires medical attention or …

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How Long Does it Take to Pass a Kidney Stone?

What are kidney stones? It can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks for a kidney stone to pass. If you've been trying to pass your kidney stone for close to six weeks, seek medical attention. Kidney stones are small hard objects that form from minerals found in your urine. Normally, your body disposes of these minerals through …

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What Are the Warning Signs of Pancreatitis?

What is pancreatitis? The primary symptom of pancreatitis is upper abdominal pain that may spread to your back. Additional symptoms may include fever, nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, and cough. In the United States, acute pancreatitis is one of the most common reasons people with gastrointestinal problems are admitted to the hospital. Pancreatitis is an inflammation …

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How Does Acid Reflux Make You Feel? 10 Common Symptoms

What is acid reflux? Acid reflux (GERD, heartburn) is when acid from your stomach ends up flowing back up into your esophagus. The most common symptoms include problems swallowing, chest pain, feeling of a lump in your throat, regurgitating food or liquids, and vomiting. Acid reflux is a condition where acid from your stomach ends up flowing back up into …

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How Do You Know It’s Food Poisoning?

What is food poisoning? Many cases of food poisoning never get an official diagnosis from the doctor. If you need to visit your doctor for food poisoning, they will diagnose you based on your symptoms. Food poisoning is a common illness that happens if you eat contaminated food. There are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness annually in the …

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How Do You Get a Hiatal Hernia?

What is a hiatal hernia? A hiatal hernia is a condition that occurs when a part of the stomach pushes through an opening in the diaphragm. Risk factors and medical conditions that can cause a hiatal hernia include being over the age of 50, obesity, heavy lifting, smoking, pregnancy, and straining (bowel movement or exercise). A hiatal hernia is a …

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