Tag Archives: cancer

What Are the Key Signs of Prostate Cancer? 23 Early Symptoms, Causes

23 signs that may indicate prostate cancer Learn the 23 key signs that may indicate the presence of prostate cancer below. Most patients do not have any signs or symptoms of prostate cancer until its advanced stages. Prostate cancer most commonly spreads to the bones; hence, bone pain is often a sign of prostate cancer. …

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How Would You Know If You Had Cervical Cancer? Symptoms

You may have cervical cancer if you notice symptoms such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, spotting between periods, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, etc. Cervical cancer may not cause symptoms in the early stages. You may have cervical cancer if you notice symptoms such as: Abnormal vaginal bleeding Spotting or bleeding between or after your period Menstrual bleeding that is heavier or longer …

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What Is the Survival Rate of Glioma? Gliomas Prognosis

Survival rates of gliomas vary depending on the type and grade of the tumor and the patient’s age. Learn about 5-year survival rates Survival rates of gliomas vary depending on the type of grade of tumor, as well as the patient’s age. The older the patient is during diagnosis and treatment, the worse their prognosis. Gliomas are tumors that originate …

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How Do You Feel if You Have Cancer? 8 Signs and Symptoms

Although patients may not experience symptoms during the initial stages of cancer, understanding the C.A.U.T.I.O.N. acronym can help spot the early signs. Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells that may form a mass or lump. Once cancer cells start developing, they multiply in number rapidly, and the newly formed cells do not function like normal cells. The patient may …

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What Are the 5 Common Types of Cancer? Breast, Lung, Skin, Prostate

The five most common types of cancer include breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and skin cancer. Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. It is a disease that can affect any organ or tissue and develops from the transformation of normal cells into tumor cells in a multi-stage process that progresses from a precancerous lesion to …

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What Does a Vulvar Tumor Look Like? 3 Types, Causes, Diagnosis

Vulvar tumors typically look like any of the following, including a cauliflower-like wart, red or pink bump, or lightened or darkened skin. A vulvar tumor can look like anything that includes: Simple wart Cauliflower-like wart White, pink, or a red-colored rough or thick lump or bump Thickened skin Lightened or darkened skin Persisting open sore (lasts for more than one …

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How Fast Does Synovial Sarcoma Grow?

Synovial sarcoma grows relatively slowly, which is one of the reasons why symptoms may not be noticed right away Synovial sarcoma grows relatively slowly, which is one of the reasons why symptoms may not be noticed right away. What is synovial sarcoma? Synovial sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that develops in the soft tissue around the joints in …

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What Age Does Breast Cancer Usually Start? Symptoms, Risk Factors

Breast cancer is most often diagnosed in women older than 45 years of age (about 80 percent of all cases). It is not known when exactly the cancer cells develop in the breast, but it is most often diagnosed in women older than 45 years (almost 80 percent of all breast cancer cases). Although breast cancer can affect anyone, less …

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What Does a Synovial Sarcoma Feels Like? Symptoms, Treatment

A synovial sarcoma can be hard or soft to touch and become large enough to produce pain, numbness, and restrict motion. Synovial sarcoma in the early stages looks like a painless, harmless, and immovable mass or lump (a swollen spot). Initially, it may resemble common conditions, such as a cyst (fluid-filled mass) or a lipoma (fatty lump). The tumor can …

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Do You Need Chemo After a Lumpectomy? Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy after a lumpectomy may be needed if the tumor is larger than ¼ inch, has spread to the lymph nodes, and if there is a chance of recurrence After a lumpectomy, you will need radiation therapy on remaining breast tissue. Chemotherapy after a lumpectomy may be needed in the following cases: Tumor is larger than ¼ inch or 0.5 …

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