Tag Archives: breast cancer

What Is Type 1 Diabetes and How Do You Get It?

What is type 1 diabetes Type 1 diabetes, or juvenile diabetes, is a chronic illness in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. Causes include genetics or an ineffective immune system that attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Diabetes is a condition when blood glucose (blood sugar) is too high. …

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What Are the Signs of a Codependent Person?

The most important sign of a codependent person is the need to be needed. They will do anything they can to achieve this because the feeling of being needed boosts their self-esteem. A codependent person finds it hard to make himself a priority. Many people with this trait start abusing alcohol, drugs, or nicotine and become addicted to them. Others …

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What Does High White Blood Cell Count Mean When Pregnant?

What is high white blood cell count when pregnant? High white blood cell count when pregnant is very likely due to stress from pregnancy. Some effects of pregnancy are very obvious, but some are far more subtle. For example, pregnant women experience an average of 50% increase in blood volume. Because you have more blood as a pregnant woman, it’s …

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What Causes Pain on the Left Side Above the Hip?

What is the left side pain above the hip? There are a variety of reasons that you might be experiencing left side pain above your hip. The problem could be the result of an injury that might heal on its own. It could also be an indicator of an undiagnosed illness. People typically experience pains around their body, including the …

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Why Am I Getting Period Cramps With No Blood?

What are period cramps? Period cramps are uaully a normal sign of menstruation, however, there may be times when you don't have blood. Signs of possible other conditions including ovulation, pelvic inflammatory disease, a ruptured ovarian cyst, endometriosis, and irritable bowel syndrom (IBS). Period cramps, sometimes called dysmenorrhea, are the pain associated with menstruation. Mild pain is a normal part …

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What Does It Mean When Your Neutrophils Are High?

Neutrophils are white blood cells (WBC). Neutrophils are white blood cells (WBC). These cells fight infections in the body. A high neutrophil count may be due to many physiological conditions and diseases. In most cases, high neutrophils count is commonly associated with an active bacterial infection in the body. In rare cases, the high neutrophil count may also result from …

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Which Is Better Dry Needling or Acupuncture?

Pain is something that no one wants to have but gets it without asking. Pain is something that no one wants to have but gets it without asking. This age-old saying about pain has always been apt and shall always be. Pain is an unpleasant sensation that makes people realize that something is wrong in their bodies. This symptom makes …

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What Is the Hippocampus?

The hippocampus is one of the most vital parts of the human and mammal brain. The hippocampus is one of the most vital parts of the human and mammal brain. The hippocampus is present in the inner folds of the temporal lobe. It is often called the emotional brain or the child's brain. Hippocampus derives its name from the Greek …

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How Do You Know If You Have Tonsillitis?

What is tonsillitis? If you find that, your tonsils are large, red, and swollen, when swallowing if you feel like there are obstructions in your throat, you may be suffering from tonsillitis. Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils due to infection. The tonsils are two fleshy lumps, one on the left and one on the right, toward the back …

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What Happens if a Baker’s Cyst Goes Untreated?

What is a Baker’s cyst? Although many Baker's cysts go away on their own, you should see a doctor to confirm that your swelling is a Baker's cyst and not something more serious. Baker's cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form behind the knee. They don’t often cause any problems or need treatment. Sometimes, if they are large or painful, they’ll …

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