Tag Archives: allergies

Nasal Airway Surgery (Septoplasty): Procedure, Complications & Recovery

Deviated septum surgery (septoplasty) and turbinectomy facts Picture of the anatomy of the sinuses The following information is provided to help patients and their families prepare for deviated septum surgery (septoplasty) and turbinectomy (nasal airway surgery), and to understand more clearly the associated benefits, risks, and complications. Patients are encouraged to ask their doctor any …

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loratadine/pseudoephedrine (Claritin-D) Side Effects & Dosage

What is loratadine/pseudoephedrine? How does it work (mechanism of action)? Loratadine/pseudoephedrine is a combination of two drugs, an antihistamine (loratadine) and a decongestant (pseudoephedrine). Loratadine is a long-acting antihistamine that blocks the actions of histamine that causes some of the symptoms of allergic reactions. Histamine is released from histamine-storing cells (mast cells) and attaches to other cells that have receptors …

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chlorpheniramine, pseudoephedrine (Deconamine discontinued): Side Effects, Dosage

What is chlorpheniramine, pseudoephedrine, and how does it work (mechanism of action)? Deconamine was a brand name medication that contains two different drugs, an antihistamine (chlorpheniramine) and a decongestant (pseudoephedrine). The antihistamine effects of chlorpheniramine account for its effect of reducing allergy symptoms. The decongestant action of pseudoephedrine is a result of blood vessel constriction in the nasal air passages, …

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Allergy Shots (Antihistamines) Side Effects, Safety & Types

What are antihistamine shots, and what are the medical uses for this type of drug? Antihistamine shots are prescription medications that are used for the rapid medical treatment of conditions such as: Allergic reactions (a severe allergy to a substance) Anxiety Nausea Vomiting Motion sickness To induce sedation when injected into a patient Antihistamine shots also are used to alleviate …

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7 Tips to Stop a Nosebleed Fast

Nosebleed definition and facts Picture of mustache dressing The definition of a nosebleed is simply bleeding from the blood vessels in the nose. The medical term for nosebleed is epistaxis. Nosebleeds are common due to the location of the nose on the face, and the large amount of blood vessels in the nose. The most common causes of nosebleeds are …

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flunisolide nasal spray (Aerospan): Drug Facts, Side Effects, Dosage

What is flunisolide nasal spray, and how does it work (mechanism of action)? Flunisolide is a synthetic (man-made) corticosteroid. It is administered either as an oral metered-dose inhaler for the treatment of asthma (Aerobid) or as a nasal spray for treating allergic rhinitis. Corticosteroids are naturally- occurring hormones that prevent or suppress inflammation and immune responses. When given as an …

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epinephrine injection (Auvi-Q): Anaphylaxis Drug Side Effects

What is epinephrine injection (Auvi-Q)? What is Auvi-Q used for? Auvi-Q is an auto-injectable epinephrine-containing device used for self-administration during life-threatening allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. Auvi-Q is an epinephrine auto-injector that talks the user step by step through the injection process. Epinephrine, the medicine contained in Auvi-Q, is an excitatory chemical naturally made by our bodies. Epinephrine stimulates alpha and …

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desloratadine, Clarinex, Clarinex Reditabs: Side Effects

What is desloratadine, and how does it work (mechanism of action)? Desloratadine is an oral, long-acting antihistamine that is similar chemically to loratadine (Claritin). It is used to treat the symptoms caused by histamine. Histamine is a chemical that is responsible for many of the signs and symptoms of allergic reactions, for example, swelling of the lining of the nose, …

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Beclomethasone Inhaler (Beconase, Qvar): Asthma Drug Side Effects

What is beclomethasone aerosol inhaler? What is beclomethasone used for? Beclomethasone is a synthetic steroid of the glucocorticoid family. It's prescribed to people age 5 and up. Beclomethasone is inhaled to stop and prevent the brochial spasm symptoms of asthma. The naturally-occurring glucocorticoid that is produced by the adrenal gland is cortisol or hydrocortisone. Glucocorticoid steroids have potent anti-inflammatory actions. …

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budesonide (Rhinocort) inhaler & nasal spray: Side Effects & Dosage

What is budesonide (Rhinocort Aqua, Rhinocort Allergy), and how does it work? Budesonide is a synthetic steroid belonging to the glucocorticoid family, a family in which cortisol (hydrocortisone) is the naturally occurring steroid. Hydrocortisone is produced in the adrenal glands. Glucocorticoid steroids have potent anti-inflammatory actions. When used as a nasal inhaler or spray, budesonide travels directly to the lining …

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