What Is Percutaneous Heart Valve Replacement Surgery?

What is percutaneous valve replacement procedure? A percutaneous valve replacement is a minimally invasive procedure to replace a diseased heart valve. A percutaneous valve replacement is a minimally invasive procedure to replace a diseased heart valve. The malfunctioning valve is removed and replaced with a manufactured valve, which may be mechanical. Other valve replacements may …

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How Dangerous Is Percutaneous Heart Valve Replacement Surgery?

How dangerous is percutaneous heart valve replacement surgery? Pictured is an artificial heart valve. Percutaneous (less-invasive) heart valve repair is widely performed and carries the typical surgical risks of a cardiac procedure. Percutaneous heart valve replacement techniques are still evolving. The associated risks are expected to decline with advancements in this field. A percutaneous valve replacement is a minimally invasive …

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How Long Does A Digital Nerve Block Last?

What is a digital nerve block? A digital nerve block is a procedure to anesthetize the fingers or toes (digits) by injecting an anesthetic solution at the base of the digit. The injection is widely used for local anesthesia, especially in the emergency department, where people often come in with digital injuries. A digital nerve block is a procedure to …

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Why Do You Need Sclerotherapy?

What is sclerotherapy? Sclerotherapy involves injecting a sclerosing agent into varicose veins and other damaged blood vessels to improve their appearance and reduce itching and burning symptoms. Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which a solution called “sclerosing agent” is injected into the veins for treatment of small vessel varicose disease. Sclerotherapy is typically performed on the legs for conditions such …

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What Are the Early Signs of Endometriosis?

What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is the implantation of uterine lining cells outside the uterus. It can lead to intense menstrual pain and infertility. The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus, which changes  throughout the menstrual cycle, shedding during menstrual periods. Endometriosis is the presence of normal endometrial tissue abnormally implanted in locations other than the inner wall of …

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What Is PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosis) Heart Surgery?

What is PDA heart surgery? Ductus arteriosus is a normal connection or opening in a fetus between the descending thoracic aorta and the pulmonary artery. In normal development, the ductus arteriosus closes after birth. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure surgery is a procedure to close this connection if it persists (remains patent) after birth. The procedure may be performed as …

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What Is a Transradial Heart Catheterization Procedure?

What is a transradial heart catheterization procedure? Transradial cardiac catheterization is a minimally invasive procedure to diagnose and treat certain cardiovascular diseases. Transradial cardiac catheterization is a minimally invasive procedure to diagnose and treat certain cardiovascular diseases. A thin, flexible tube (catheter) is inserted through the radial artery in the hand and into the heart and its blood vessels. Ultrasound …

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How Long Does It Take to Recover from A Transradial Heart Catheterization?

Is transradial cardiac catheterization painful? Transradial cardiac catheterization is performed using local anesthesia, and may take an hour or more, depending on the procedure performed. The patient usually feels nothing more than a short stinging pain from the initial numbing injection. The patient will be administered painkillers and mild sedation before the procedure. There might be a certain amount of …

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How Is PDA Surgery Performed?

How long does PDA surgery take? The PDA closure procedure may take up to three hours, depending on the type of procedure. It may take longer if the PDA closure is accompanied by other procedures to correct any additional heart defects. PDA stands for “patent ductus arteriosis,” which is a congenital failure of the heart to develop properly, leaving an …

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What Is a Partial Gastrectomy?

What is a gastrectomy? A partial gastrectomy is the surgical removal of a portion of the stomach, as opposed to a total gastrectomy in which the entire stomach is removed. A gastrectomy may also be accompanied by a vagotomy (removal of the part of the vagus nerve that stimulates the stomach’s acid production for digestion). A partial gastrectomy is most …

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