What Is a Pulmonary Blastoma? Childhood Lung Cancer

Pulmonary blastoma is a rare childhood cancer that occurs in the chest, especially in the lungs, pleura (tissue covering the lungs), and organs between the lungs Pulmonary blastoma (PB) or pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a rare, aggressive, fast-growing childhood soft tissue cancer. It occurs in the chest, especially in the lungs, pleura (tissue covering the lungs), …

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Can Whole Body Vibration Be Harmful?

Whole body vibration has gained popularity as a form of passive exercise. However, studies regarding its benefits vs. harmful effects are limited Whole body vibration is a form of passive exercise that involves using machines or platforms to transmit energy to the body, forcing the muscles to contract and relax.  Although whole body vibration may have some health benefits, many …

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Cyproheptadine: Allergy Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: cyproheptadine Drug Class: Antihistamines, 1st Generation What is cyproheptadine, and what is it used for? Cyproheptadine is a medication used to prevent and treat allergic reactions including sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, swelling, itching, rashes and hives. Cyproheptadine is also used to prevent migraines and to manage severe life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). Cyproheptadine is a first generation antihistamine …

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Can Too Much Acne Medication Make Acne Worse? Skincare Side Effects

Using too many acne medications at once may make your skin irritated and result in more breakouts. Yes, too many acne medications can make acne worse. In some instances, the topical medications make small bumps more obvious and lead to increased perception of acne. In other cases, Topical acne medications, such as those containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, may …

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Can Working Out Mess Up Your Sleep? Best Time To Exercise

Working out in the late evening does not interfere with sleep so long as you avoid vigorous exercising one hour before bedtime. It was traditionally believed that working out right before bedtime could make falling asleep difficult because it increases the core body temperature, heart rate, and the levels of adrenaline in the blood. Thus, avoiding exercise close to bedtime …

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Can a 2-Year-Old Go to the Dentist? First Dentist Visit

You can take your 2-year-old to the dentist within 6-12 months of their first tooth eruption. Dental visits are important to assess your child’s oral health You can take your 2-year-old to the dentist within 6-12 months of their first tooth eruption. The dental appointment may include a full examination of your child’s teeth, gums, jaws, bite, and other tissues …

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Can the Rain Make You Depressed? 16 SAD Symptoms, Treatment

Studies show that there has long been a correlation between mood and weather. There has long been a correlation between mood and weather, according to popular studies. Some of us can tolerate the rain. Others aren't content unless they can feel the warm light of the sun on their skin. Surprisingly, studies have reported that weather reactivity may run in …

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Are Cholesterol Tests Always Accurate?

Home cholesterol tests are about 95% accurate, although the accuracy of the results depends on whether the test was performed correctly Home cholesterol tests are about 95% accurate, although the accuracy of the results depends on whether the test was performed correctly. High cholesterol is often dubbed a silent killer, since it may not produce any symptoms but is estimated …

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Can a Fit Person Get Diabetes? Risk Factors

No matter how thin or fit you are, you can still get diabetes. About 10%-15% of people with type II diabetes are at a healthy weight, a condition called lean diabetes No matter how thin or fit you are, you can still get diabetes. About 10%-15% of people with type II diabetes are at a healthy weight, a condition called …

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Can Stress and Anxiety Hurt My Baby? Staying Calm During Pregnancy

Research indicates that stress and anxiety in pregnant women may influence the health of the baby and result in several birth problems. Stress and anxiety in pregnant women, according to most research and studies, may influence the health of the baby and are linked to several types of birth problems. Physically stressed mothers are more likely to have premature births …

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