What Is the Fastest Way to Cure Balanitis?

Balanitis is inflammation of the head of the penis. The fastest way to cure balanitis is to diagnose and treat the underlying cause of the condition. Balanitis is inflammation of the head of the penis. It’s very common, especially if you have an uncircumcised penis. It can be very painful. Balanitis is a symptom of …

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How Long Does It Take for a Strained Leg Muscle to Heal?

What causes a leg muscle strain? A muscle strain usually results when it is overly stretched, and the muscle fibers tear. A mild or grade I strain may need ten days to three weeks to heal where a severe strain to the hamstrings may take up to six months. A muscle strain usually results when it is overly stretched, and …

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How COVID-19 Affects the Eyes

Recent studies have found that COVID-19 can affect multiple organs. Learn more about potential eye problems associated with COVID-19 Recent studies have found that COVID-19 can affect multiple organs, including the eyes.  In some cases, the virus can enter the body through the eyes when rubbed with infected hands or if respiratory droplets from an affected person happen to land …

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What Is the Fastest Way to Cure Dehydration?

The fastest way to cure dehydration is to take an oral rehydration solution and treat the underlying cause of fluid loss The fastest way to cure dehydration is to take an oral rehydration solution and treat the underlying cause of fluid loss. With mild or moderate dehydration, drinking plenty of fluids should be enough to replenish your fluids. While water …

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What to Do If Nothing Is Helping a Toothache (16 Home Remedies)

16 tips to manage your toothache at home Here are 16 tips for managing a toothache at home, as well as when to seek help from your dentist. Here are 16 tips for managing a toothache at home: Ice packs: Ice packs help reduce pain and inflammation. You may use ice packs or some ice wrapped in a soft cloth …

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Why Is Drinking Less Alcohol Good for You?

Adults should drink in moderation, if they drink alcohol at all. If you do choose to drink alcohol, it's always better to drink less than to drink more. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol is known to be bad for you. In fact, heavy alcohol use caused around 95,000 deaths in the United States from 2011 to 2015. It is also …

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What Are the Symptoms of Low Progesterone?

Low progesterone can have different effects on women, depending on whether they are pregnant or not. Learn about symptoms and causes Low progesterone can have different effects on women, depending on whether they are pregnant or not. Pregnant women need progesterone to maintain their uteruses until the baby is born.  Symptoms in women who are not pregnant Irregular periods or …

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When Does a COVID-19 Patient Need to Go on a Ventilator?

When COVID-19 leads to ARDS, a ventilator is needed to help the patient breathe. ARDS reduces the ability of the lungs to provide oxygen to vital organs According to the World Health Organization, 1 out of every 6 COVID-19 patients becomes seriously ill and has difficulty breathing, as the virus primarily affects the lungs. Lungs that are infected or damaged …

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Slippery Elm: Herbal Remedy Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: slippery elm Other Names: grey elm, Indian elm, moose elm, red elm, sweet elm, Ulmus fulva, Ulmus rubra, winged elm Drug Class: Herbals What is slippery elm, and what is it used for? Slippery elm is a tree (Ulmus fulva, Ulmus rubra) native to North America. For centuries, indigenous people of America have been taking slippery elm orally to …

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What Are 3 Diseases That Affect the Kidneys? Kidney Disease

Learn about factors that can increase your risk of kidney disease, such as diabetes and high blood pressure Diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure (hypertension), and reduced blood flow to the kidneys are the most common diseases that can affect the kidneys. Other factors that can lead to kidney disease include infections, autoimmune disorders, toxins, obesity, smoking, and cancer. Kidneys are …

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