What Does a Disturbing Dream About Someone Mean? 7 Nightmare Types

Increased frequency of having a disturbing dream about someone might be caused by mood disorders, such as anxiety and sadness. Although you dream two to five times every night, you rarely remember your dreams.  Dreams frequently represent your concerns and uncertainties in life. Scientists and sleep specialists are investigating the causes of dreams and what …

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Should You Get Your Son Circumcised?

How common is male newborn circumcision? Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis, called the foreskin. Circumcision is an option for most healthy, stable newborn boys, but there are medical reasons some newborns cannot be circumcised. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis, called the foreskin. …

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How Do You Place a Central Line With Ultrasound Guidance?

Learn about how a central line placement is done under ultrasound guidance Central line placement under ultrasound guidance helps with more accurate placement of a central venous catheter while lowering the risk of associated complications. Ultrasound guidance helps provide accurate anatomy of the site where the catheter is to be placed and thus results in fewer puncture attempts. During an …

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6 Most Common Lasers Used in Gynecological Surgery

Learn the six most commonly used lasers in gynecological surgery. LASER (light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation) is used to treat gynecological disorders such as: Genital warts Precancerous conditions of the lower genital tract such as the cervix Pelvic endometriosis Cysts Ectopic pregnancy It is used in obstetrics to aid in the management of problems in twin pregnancies …

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Is Bypass Surgery Safe for a 75-Year-Old? Survival Rate

Most patients after CABG surgery get improvement or total remission of their symptoms and stay symptom-free for many years. Every year, more than 300,000 people worldwide have bypass surgery. Above 70 percent of patients undergoing bypass surgery are older than 70 years. When advising a bypass surgery, surgeons consider age, general health, and any underlying diseases of the patient.  People …

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How to Stop Hair Fall After Coloring (6 Prevention Tips)

Hair dye does not prevent or slow down hair development, but it can induce hair loss by harming color-treated hair. Hair coloring may be an exciting change. It gives you a whole new appearance. Hair coloring, however, has its own set of side effects including hair damage. Regardless of how natural hair color firms say their products are, they include …

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How Do You Bring Blood Sugar Down Quickly?

What causes high blood sugar? The medical term for high blood sugar is hyperglycemia. If you have diabetes, exercise, extra fluids, and insulin are easy ways to lower blood sugar levels naturally. If you have diabetes, exercise, extra fluids, and insulin are easy ways to lower blood sugar levels naturally. It’s important to know when to use at-home treatment and …

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How Can I Use Opiates Safely? 10 Tips for Safe Opioid Use

Opioids are generally safe when taken as prescribed, but misuse or long-term use can lead to dependence, addiction, or overdose Although all medications should be taken with caution, extra caution should be used when taking opiates and opioids. Opioids are generally safe when taken as prescribed for a short period of time. However, misuse or long-term use can lead to …

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Does Natural Vision Correction Work?

Natural vision correction methods claim to improve refractive errors of the eyes, but they may not work Natural vision correction may be tempting to try if you hate wearing glasses and don’t want to wear contact lenses. However, there are no clinical studies that support the claim that natural vision correction works. What is natural vision correction? Natural vision correction …

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Can You Refuse to Care for an Elderly Parent? Legal Responsibility

Filial responsibility laws were enacted to guarantee that the elderly are cared for after they are unable to care for themselves. Everyone is obligated to take care of their elderly parents. Yes, you can refuse to care for elderly parents. However, filial responsibility laws obligate children to provide their parents with clothing, food, housing, and medical attention. In the United …

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