triple-negative breast cancer

How Can I Increase My Dopamine Levels Naturally?

What does dopamine do? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which means it communicates chemical messages between the cells in your brain or between the cells in your brain and other parts of your body. Increase dopamine naturally by eating certain foods, listening to music, exercising, meditating, and going on a quest. You've probably heard that low …

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How Do I Start a Keto (Ketogenic) Diet for Beginners?

What is the keto diet plan? The ketogenic diet is a low- carbohydrate nutritional plan that’s great for losing weight and managing conditions such as diabetes. Start a ketogenic diet by talking with your doctor and fasting or starting a ketogenic from day one. The ketogenic diet is a low- carbohydrate nutritional plan that’s great for losing weight and managing …

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Gluten-Free Diet: A List of 85 Foods You Can Eat

Who should avoid gluten? Gluten is a protein in wheat, barley, rye, and hybrids of those grains. Among the 85 foods you can eat on a gluten-free diet include quinoa, millet, potatoes, beef, chicken, beans, milk, yogurt, and others. Gluten is a protein in wheat, barley, rye, and hybrids of those grains. Food companies add gluten to many processed foods …

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What Triggers Ramsay Hunt Syndrome? Treatment, Symptoms & Recovery

Ramsay Hunt syndrome may be triggered by conditions that weaken the immune system, such as COVID-19 or the shingles virus. Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS) is caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus in the facial nerve. In most individuals, the varicella zoster virus may stay dormant by immune system activity. What specifically triggers the reactivation of the virus …

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What Are 14 Serious Lung Diseases? 7 Signs & Symptoms

The symptoms of lung illness might vary because there are so many distinct kinds. Any problem with the lungs or pulmonary system that affects the proper functioning of the lungs is referred to as lung disease. Any lung ailment that lasts for a long period is considered chronic. Respiratory disorders are among the most common medical problems in the world. …

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What Happens If We Get AIDS? HIV Symptoms & Pathology

Most people who have HIV will not acquire any AIDS-related diseases and will live a relatively normal lifespan. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes damage to the cells that make up your immune system and reduces your body's capacity to fight against various illnesses and infections. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a group of diseases and illnesses that may be fatal …

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Is There a Cure for Neuropathy in the Legs? New Treatment Options

Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves that carry impulses out of the brain and spinal cord to the body organs. Some cases of neuropathy such as neuropathy of hyperglycemia (diabetes mellitus type II) may improve with rigorous blood sugar control and insulin. Neuropathy in the kidney may improve to some extent with dialysis or renal transplantation. However, the …

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Is Thrombosis the Same as Deep Vein Thrombosis? Types & Symptoms

Blood clots (gel-like aggregates of blood cells and protein) obstruct your blood vessels, causing thrombosis. The formation of a blood clot within a blood vessel is called thrombosis. A blood clot develops and plugs a vein or an artery, blocking or reducing blood flow. A blood clot can form anywhere in the bloodstream. Thrombosis is broadly classified as either venous …

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What Are 3 Diseases That Affect the Kidneys? Kidney Disease

Learn about factors that can increase your risk of kidney disease, such as diabetes and high blood pressure Diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure (hypertension), and reduced blood flow to the kidneys are the most common diseases that can affect the kidneys. Other factors that can lead to kidney disease include infections, autoimmune disorders, toxins, obesity, smoking, and cancer. Kidneys are …

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What Are the 3 Main Types of Lung Disease? 10 Chronic Illnesses

3 main types of lung diseases Lung diseases are one of the world's most serious public health issues, accounting for about one-sixth of all fatalities globally. Lung illnesses are among the most frequent respiratory ailments worldwide. It refers to diseases of the lungs and other organs that allow us to breathe. Most breathing issues are caused by lung illnesses, which …

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