triple-negative breast cancer

How Is Necrotizing Pancreatitis Treated? Symptoms & 4 Causes

Without treatment, necrotizing pancreatitis may lead to an infection or sepsis. This can lead to life-threatening organ damage. Necrotizing pancreatitis is a serious complication in cases of acute pancreatitis and must always be treated in a hospital. Necrotizing pancreatitis is diagnosed with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scans and treated with antibiotics and aggressive …

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What Is Considered Moderate Plaque Psoriasis?

Moderate plaque psoriasis is when patches cover 3%-10% of your body surface area Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis, affecting up to 80% of people with psoriasis. Also called psoriasis vulgaris, plaque psoriasis is characterized by raised patches of itchy, painful skin with shiny scales that may crack and bleed. Moderate plaque psoriasis is when patches cover …

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What Are Four Risk Factors for Cancer of the Bladder? 2 Types

Certain risk factors have been found that may dramatically raise your chances of acquiring bladder cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, 81,190 people are projected to be diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2022, with 17,100 expected to die from the condition. Every type of cancer is attributed to nonmodifiable and modifiable risk factors. The first category includes age, gender, …

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Primary vs. Secondary Progressive MS: Differences, Symptoms, Tips

Learn the difference between primary and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. The progressive phase of multiple sclerosis (MS) is most often associated with a permanent disability. MS has two generally known progressive classes, primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). The difference between PPMS and SPMS is that a person can be diagnosed with PPMS, but SPMS …

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Is HBV the Same as Hepatitis B?

Getting the hepatitis B vaccine is the only way to prevent the disease. Learn about transmission, diagnosis, and treatment Hepatitis B is caused by HBV, or the hepatitis B virus. Most HBV infections resolve within 1-2 months even without active treatment. If the infection lasts longer than 6 months, it can progress to chronic HBV, which can lead to serious …

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Is Lupus Nephritis Different From SLE?

When SLE affects the kidneys, it is called lupus nephritis Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system causes damage to various organ systems, including the skin and joints. When SLE affects the kidneys, it is called lupus nephritis. Lupus nephritis often develops within 5 years of the onset of lupus symptoms. The disorder affects …

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Therapeutic Options for Antiretroviral Naive Patient: Treatment

Treatment-naive patients have more antiretroviral therapy alternatives than treatment-experienced individuals. People who have never received treatment for a certain illness are considered treatment-naïve for that particular condition. In the field of sexually transmitted infections, this word most commonly refers to HIV-positive patients who have never received antiretroviral medication for their illness. The current treatment guidelines for treatment-naive individuals include the …

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What Are the Benefits and Dangers of Erythritol vs. Sugar?

What Is sugar? Erythritol is an alternative sweetener. Erythritol is associated with health benefits over sugar because it does not affect blood sugar levels nor does it contribute to increased risks of diabetes and high blood pressure. There are plenty of sweeteners on the market. Sugar alternatives are everywhere, whether they come in pink, yellow, or green packets. Erythritol is …

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Can Bladder Cancer Be Prevented? 5 Strategies & 3 Treatments

Bladder cancer often goes undetected in its early stages. Recognizing the symptoms of urinary problems may save your life. There is no guaranteed strategy to prevent bladder cancer. Some risk factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity, and family history, are nonmodifiable. However, you can do certain things to reduce the risk of bladder cancer. These include avoiding certain environmental triggers …

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Can Moles Be a Sign of Other Cancers? Normal vs. Cancerous Mole

You should keep an eye on your moles and inform your doctor if they change in size, shape, color, texture, or thickness. Moles, also called nevi, are a collection of regular melanocytes. Most moles are noncancerous (benign). However, some moles may undergo alterations in their shape, size, and texture due to changes in the DNA of cells. This leads to …

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