triple-negative breast cancer

What Is a Complex Laceration? 4 Repair Steps, Types, Side Effects

Complex lacerations are life-threatening cuts with jagged edges that extend into deeper layers of tissues and are accompanied by heavy bleeding. Lacerations, also called cuts, are wounds caused by tearing or cutting of open soft tissue (usually skin or muscle) due to trauma. These types of wounds can be: Deep or shallow Long or short …

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What Is the Slang for DMT? Drug Street Names, Addiction

Here are the street slang terms for dimethyltryptamine, which includes Dimitri, Changa, The Rogan, and Fantasia. The street slangs for N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) include the following: Dimitri The spirit molecule Businessman's trip Businessman’s special The Rogan Fantasia Changa Forty-five-minute psychosis What is DMT? Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a powerful psychedelic (a substance that changes mood, perception, and thought process) and hallucinogen …

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Is My Muscle Pulled or Strained?

A pulled muscle is sometimes used as a colloquial term for a strain of moderate severity. A muscle becomes strained when it’s twisted, pulled, or torn in two. In some respects, it’s a bit of a trick question to ask if your muscle is pulled or strained because a pulled muscle is a version of a strained muscle.  A pulled …

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How Many Units of Insulin Do I Need for 400 Blood Sugar?

To reduce 400 mg/dL blood sugar to about 100 mg/dL, you would need at least 10 units of insulin. However, this depends on your weight and other factors In a healthy individual, one unit of insulin should cause their blood sugar level to drop 30-50 mg/dL, However, the number of units of insulin needed for people with diabetes depends on …

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How Do You Know When a Dementia Patient Is Dying?

When a dementia patient is close to dying, you may notice signs such as agitation, restlessness, moaning, and changes in breathing Since a patient with dementia may have trouble communicating, it’s important to monitor for signs of pain or discomfort. End-stage dementia symptoms may indicate that the patient is dying or close to death: Problems with everyday functions, including bathing, …

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What Is the Life Expectancy of EEC Syndrome?

Life expectancy of EEC syndrome is normal to slightly reduced. Sweating problems cause the most life-threatening complications Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-cleft (EEC) syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the following: Congenital absence of some fingers and/or toes (ectrodactyly) Cleft lip and/or palate Flat nasal tip Life expectancy of EEC syndrome is normal to slightly reduced. Sweating problems cause the most …

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Which Breast Typically Gets Cancer? Risk Factors, 5 Stages, Symptoms

Women with dense breasts, where connective tissue is more than fatty tissue, are more likely to develop breast cancer. Breast cancer can affect any or both breasts. However, it is most commonly seen in the left breast. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affects a great population of women globally and in the United …

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Why Do We Lose Our Eyesight as We Age? 6 Vision Changes with Age

Some vision changes are a normal part of aging, while others may indicate an underlying health condition or the effect of poor lifestyle choices. Aging affects every part of the body, and the eyes are no exception. Some vision changes are a normal part of aging, whereas others may indicate some underlying health conditions or the effect of poor lifestyle …

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Can a Bronchoscopy Detect Cancer?

If there are any abnormal areas detected on tests such as an x-ray or CT scan, the bronchoscope can be used to collect a biopsy sample the labs can test for cancer. A bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows doctors to look in your lungs. The procedure is done with a bronchoscope — a flexible, thin tube with lights, lenses, …

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Does COVID-19 Start With Body Aches?

COVID-19 has symptoms similar to the flu or common cold. Fever, headaches, and body aches are typically the first sign of COVID-19. These pains can come on slowly or appear suddenly. COVID-19 has symptoms similar to the flu or common cold. That makes it hard to know what illness you've contracted and the proper treatment. COVID-19 symptoms vary from person …

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