
How Do You Get Rid of Neurodermatitis? Treatment Options

Treatment of neurodermatitis generally aims to control severe itching, prevent scratching, and address underlying causes Neurodermatitis or lichen simplex chronicus is a chronic, non-life-threatening skin condition that involves intense itching, typically on 1-2 patches of skin. It is estimated that this skin condition affects approximately 12% of the U.S. population. The challenge with managing neurodermatitis …

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How Do You Treat Mild to Moderate Psoriasis? 7 Treatment Options

Mild to moderate psoriasis is typically treated with medications and therapies that aim to reduce symptoms Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin disorder that has periods of flare-ups and periods of remission. Mild to moderate psoriasis is typically treated with medications and therapies that aim to reduce inflammation and slow the rapid skin cell growth associated with the condition. 7 treatment …

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What Causes Nail Psoriasis? Symptoms & Treatment

Nail psoriasis can cause nail thickening, malformation, and discoloration Nail psoriasis is caused by the same autoimmune mechanisms as other types of psoriasis. The immune system attacks normal tissues in the body and triggers the hyperproliferation of cells. In the fingernails and toenails, this immune system malfunction causes nail cells to be produced faster than they can be shed, leading …

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What Is Considered Moderate Plaque Psoriasis?

Moderate plaque psoriasis is when patches cover 3%-10% of your body surface area Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis, affecting up to 80% of people with psoriasis. Also called psoriasis vulgaris, plaque psoriasis is characterized by raised patches of itchy, painful skin with shiny scales that may crack and bleed. Moderate plaque psoriasis is when patches cover …

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Is Neurodermatitis an Autoimmune Disease? Causes & Triggers

Learn about neurodermatitis causes, triggers, and risk factors Neurodermatitis or lichen simplex chronicus (LSC) is a chronic skin condition that causes intense itching that worsens with scratching, typically just on a few patches of skin.  Researchers have suggested that there may be a link between neurodermatitis and autoimmune diseases, but the exact cause of the condition is unknown. What causes …

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Should You Brush Scalp Psoriasis? 5 Home Remedies & Causes

Scalp psoriasis can be difficult to treat because plaques can thicken under hair. It is beneficial to brush your scalp with scalp brushes because it massages and exfoliates the scalp. Brushing the scalp removes the sliver flakes produced by scalp psoriasis, but it must be done gently and with caution. You should never brush the scalp vigorously, especially at the …

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Is Pustular Psoriasis an Autoimmune Disease? Causes & Risk Factors

Pustular psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. Yes, psoriasis pustulosa is an uncommon immune-mediated systemic skin ailment that is characterized by yellowish pustules over the skin on an erythematous base. This condition may present clinically in several ways and have a range of distribution patterns.  Psoriasis pustulosa is regarded as a subtype of the more common psoriasis vulgaris. The pustules may …

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What Is Intertriginous Psoriasis? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Intertriginous psoriasis occurs in areas where the skin folds and is characterized by red, smooth, glossy lesions Intertriginous psoriasis, also known as inverse psoriasis, is a rare type of psoriasis that occurs in skin folds, such as the armpits, under the breasts, and groin. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition that affects between 3%-7% of all people with psoriasis and …

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Is Genital Psoriasis Life-Threatening? Treatment & Prevention

Genital psoriasis is not an STD, but it can cause significant discomfort and embarrassment Genital psoriasis is neither life-threatening nor contagious. However, it can be uncomfortable and more difficult to treat than other types of psoriasis. Due to feelings of shame or embarrassment, many people with genital psoriasis avoid seeking medical treatment. In addition, the disease can also interfere with …

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Is Psoriasis a COVID-19 Risk? Vaccine Risks & Symptoms

The symptoms of COVID-19 in psoriasis patients are similar to other people without psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune, inflammatory condition that primarily affects the skin. Because the condition is caused by an overactive immune system, the treatment involves using medications to calm the immune system (immunomodulatory effect). With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, researchers and health experts are concerned whether …

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